Bloodlust: shadowhunter

Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption

Looking for real hardcore old school RPG? Vampire The Masquerade is probably one of the best RPG of all times. Even though it release many many years ago in 2000. But even on this day, you can enjoy this game if you love the vampire RPG genre.

Story goes like this. Our character Christo leads a crusade against the evil. Mostly against undead and vampires. However, an unfortunate event chain turns Christo to the thin he despises most, a vampire. Now it is time to face your vampire lord nemesis.

Vampire The Masquerade is story rich. Your journey begins in the middle ages, Europe. Then goes all the way to the modern ages. Your decisions affects this story line of course.

BloodLust Shadowhunter not starting

Many of the problems with games launching happen because of improper installation. Check, if there was any error during installation, try deleting the game and run the installer again, but before install don’t forget to disable antivirus – it may often mistakenly delete files during installation process. It is also important to remember that the path to the folder with a game should contain only Latin characters and numbers.

You also have to check whether there is enough space on the HDD for installation. You can also try to run the game as an administrator in compatibility mode with different versions of Windows.

The Elder Scroll Series

As you know, The Elder Scroll is the best RPG series of all times. Especially Skyrim was revolutionary and phenomenal. But is it a vampire RPG? Depends, if you like it to be, then of course it is.

In Skyrim universe, vampirism is really a huge deal. You can both become a vampire and vampire lord. Since there are lots of vampire questline in Skyrim, you can really role play and enjoy.

As a vampire in Skyrim, you can creep into people’s house at night and feed off of the citizens. If you don’t feed in a long time, you might go feral and attacked on sight without Dawnguard DLC. Also, you can find many vampire related mods for Skyrim to enhance your vampire role play gaming experience.

BloodLust Shadowhunter is not installed. Installation hangs

First of all, check that you have enough space on the HDD for installation. Remember that to work properly installer requires the declared volume of space, plus 1-2 GB of additional free space on the system drive. In general, remember this rule – you must always have at least 2 gigabytes of free space on your system drive (usually it’s disk C) for temporary files. Otherwise, the games and the other software may not work correctly or even refuse to start.

Problems with the installation may also be due to the lack of an internet connection or it’s instability. Also, do not forget to stop the antivirus for the time game installation – sometimes it interferes with the correct file copy, or delete files by mistake, mistakenly believing they are viruses.


In an age where many games try to be simple and sleek, copying whatever game is currently popular, and do little wrong, but also little of interest, Bloodlust: Shadowhunter is complex and ambitious and does lots of things wrong, but also has lots of interesting stuff. It’s like a combination of Torchlight, Vampire: Bloodlines and a puzzle oriented adventure game designed by one guy on a shoestring budget. Its interesting character and inventory system are offset by its uninteresting combat and generic dungeons, its clan system and quests by its animations and visuals. I would have loved to have seen such a cool concept for a game made by a team of experienced, professional developers with a decent budget, but probably none of them would have dared to undertake such a project. I enjoyed Bloodlust: Shadowhunter for 19 hours. It’s theoretically an endless game, depending only on how much time you invest in its procedurally generated dungeons. I personally spent as little time in them as possible and still didn’t finish the entire main quest, which I’m estimating would take 23-25 hours if one doesn’t do much extra dungeon crawling. How much you’ll enjoy Bloodlust: Shadowhunter is dependent on how much you’ll embrace its vision and how much you’ll forgive its faults. And there is plenty of both.

Final Disclaimer and Instructions from steamunlocked is a platform to download all your favorites games on steam without the cost. Many anti-virus programs detect game files as a “virus” because the game files contained cracked files which make the game run. A lot of these anti-virus companies get paid to do this, that way you buy the game instead. To prevent this, disable your anti virus, then re-extract the .zip file and the game will run. Every game on this site was tested on our own computers, so you can be insured that it’s not a real virus. Anything your A.V may tell you, is a false positive. 99% of the time, the errors come from missing programs. Check for a Redist or _CommonRedist folder, and be sure to install all the required software in those folders: DirectX, vcredist, DotNet, etc. Another useful tip is to disable any form of anti virus programs AND windows defender if the game doesn’t run. Usually, you don’t need to do this, but some AV detect the game files as a “crack” and remove them

About BloodLust Shadowhunter

The BloodLust Shadowhunter game has become the new favorite of video game enthusiasts across the globe. Gaining admiration in the form of top ratings from 2421 number players is not easy, but this game has done with its exceptional performance.

BloodLust is a present-day Dungeon Crawler where players will journey into the depths of darkness searching for a great evil, while struggling to decide whether to destroy or embrace their Kindred family

People got amazed when they saw the 92.25 out of 100 average ratings of the game. 17980 number of users follow and daily check this game’s social media feeds.

Although this game was expected to release sooner, the publisher launched it on Aug 01, 2015.

The user can currently run this game on platforms like PC (Microsoft Windows) to enjoy a smooth gameplay. This world-famous PC game is about Role-playing (RPG), Indie.

Switching from the FPP mode to TPP mode is extremely easy in this PC game. The game is running quite awesome on PCs since it was last updated on Dec 27, 2019.

This PC game is based on the Action theme, which has played a huge role in its success. 12088 number of players offered top ratings to this game.

BloodLust Shadowhunter

Well, well, well, another vampire RPG game made by WRF Studios. Most interesting. Bloodlust Shadowhunter first released at 2015. So, you might call this one a little bit outdated. However, there aren’t many vampire RPG games out there. That is why you should give this art piece a chance.

Bloodlust allows you to explore the dark underworld. You will find many forgotten secret vampire societies, their disciplines, clans, and hierarchy fascinating.

First you must choose your vampires gender. Then a class amongst the witch, thief, or warrior. After that, your vampire role playing experience begins.

The City

Your character awakes in a crypt with a mysterious letter and makes its way through a system of ruins, which turns out to be the game’s tutorial. Bloodlust: Shadowhunter’s tutorial is actually well done and introduces the player to most of the game’s mechanics. Once you escape the ruins you’ll find yourself in the city. The city turns out to house not only a few shops like the tattoo parlor, where we are supposed to meet our mysterious benefactor, but also the headquarters of a number of vampire clans. In contrast to the impersonal dungeons, the city’s handcrafted locations are the visual and atmospheric highlights of Bloodlust: Shadowhunter.

Compare the beautifully designed Vurkas headquarters to the completely uninteresting random dungeon level. Unfortunately you spend most of your time in the latter

While trying to find out who you are, you stumble through the story, meeting various NPCs. The story and atmosphere tries to give the player the feeling of mystery and dread, but only partially succeeds. On the one hand due to the quality of the voice acting and on the other because the story errs on being to sparse with its details and explanations. Why, for example the main character becomes so bent on destroying certain vampires is still unclear to me.

Eventually you’ll have the pleasure of exploring the various places in the city, many of which turned out to be handcrafted dungeons. These look much better than the procedurally generated ones, and are full of secrets and puzzles. The puzzles in Bloodlust: Shadowhunter tend to be more perception oriented than logical. You need to make best use of your mist form, secret sight and vampire eye abilities, which will in turn help you find various quest items. Like in many adventure games these items will grant you access to other areas. In fact one of the last missions involves a rather large amount of exploration and discovery of quest items in some areas to be used in others. There are also a number of other puzzles which involve pressure plates, hidden switches, and other secrets. The difficulty of these is greatly dependent on whether you’ve been able to find, or purchase, a map of the areas you are exploring. The game seems to indicate that there is a map for every city location, though I am not sure if that’s true. Randomness plays a huge role in how easy some puzzles are, which I personally don’t think is a particularly good game design. I never found a map for the theatre, for example, and ended up drawing out my own, because there’s no way to really solve the puzzle through trial and error.

The city quests have a nice amount of variety, but unfortunately not all are executed equally well. For example, I got a quest at the pawn shop to find some special bullets. After accepting this quest I started selling stuff, sifting through my inventory, than selling more stuff. What I didn’t realize was that the quest «advanced» each time I talked to the shop keeper. The result was that he became angry with me and wouldn’t talk to me anymore. This wouldn’t have been a major problem except that the game has a save system like Diablo. The game autosaves when you exit. I also blew a stealth mission later and unlike the pawn shop mission, I had no chance to repeat it by increasing my persuasion attribute. I personally don’t mind such an autosave system in a hack and slay game where death isn’t such a big deal, but find it strange in a game that has a quest system like Bloodlust: Shadowhunter has.

I would have saved myself lots of time if I had had a map for this puzzle

Сюжетная линия и атмосфера BloodLust Shadowhunter

Давайте разберёмся с самым главным. В знаменитой Vampire была шикарная атмосфера, которая придавала изюминку игре. И в BloodLust Shadowhunter она имеется. С самого начала игры, вы оказываетесь в гробу в тёмных катакомбах, герой слышит голос и с ужасом понимает, что он вампир. И теперь игроку нужно будет добраться до города и узнать, кто же его обратил.

А в городе игрокам предстоит работа на различные группировки вампиров. У них начинаем подъём по карьерной лестнице. Всё это для того, чтобы выбрать с кем вы будете сражаться против местного императора. Злодей этот всех ужасно бесит, как и вампиров, так и обычных людей. Ирония сюжета в том, что раньше герой убивал таких вот чудовищ, который потом был убит и возрождён в образе вампира загадочным благодетелем. И в конце игрок будет решать – осталась ли частичка человечности у героя, или он навсегда превратится в безжалостного монстра. Способны ли вы уничтожить зло, или же вы навсегда породнились с ним.

У вампиров есть свой собственный маскарад. Также тайные клубы под кинотеатрами. В любом клубе, ресторане или же в тёмной подворотне вы найдёте клыкастого. В такие моменты отлично ощущается атмосфера мира World of Darkness.

Если же вам не по душе подобные места, то никто вам не запрещает спуститься в подземелье. В игре они генерируются сами, что прибавляет реиграбельности происходящему. Игроки будут опускаться всё ниже и ниже по виртуальному подземелью, где на пути им будут встречаться сильные и опасные враги. Попутно будете разгадывать загадки и избегать ловушек, находя новые и интересные предметы. Перед спуском стоит раздобыть фонарик с батарейками, потому что без него не имеет смысла туда заходить. Да и к тому же батарейки могут разряжаться, так что лучше ими запастись побольше.

На поверхности можно подкрадываться к бедолагам в тёмном углу. Если же вы прокачаете этот навык на полную, то жертва превратится в члена вашего клана и сможет стать вашим союзником в бою.

При этом играть довольно интересно. Разгадывать тайны, искать пароли от компьютеров и открывать сундуки – всё это заставляет играть в неё. Помимо этого, игра бросает вызов – в ней очень сложно выжить. Постоянно нужно пополнять запас батареек и крови. А враги всегда будут сильнее вас.

В итоге, малопривлекательная олдскульная графика может отпугнуть некоторых игроков, но те для тех, кому визуализация не так важна, бонусом станет хорошая и интересная игра, которая может затянуть геймера на долгие недели.

BloodLust Shadowhunter смешивает вампиров, путешествия по подземельям и добычу в одном игровом опыте. Установите в темном мире фантазий и зла, где шабаш охотников за тенью оказываются в меньшинстве, в городе, который находится в осаде лорда-императора-вампира.

Индивидуализация в BloodLust Shadowhunter высока с самого начала с рандомизированной статистикой, визуальными эффектами и несколькими вариантами, которые определяют сильные и слабые стороны ваших персонажей. Помимо темных фэнтазийных имен, игроки найдут их в основном в архетипах:

В игре BloodLust Shadowhunter, следует формуле RPG в действии, в которой таланты, инвентарь, квесты и выпадение лута составляют основу мира, который вас ждет. После выхода из учебника вы сможете исследовать более динамичными элементы игрового мира, которые связаны с нелинейными элементами игры, меняя квесты и локации в зависимости от выбора диалога.

Основные локации игры имеют прекрасный дизайн, в то время как рандомизированные подземелья могут чувствовать себя более голыми в зависимости от того, что случайный движок решит выплюнуть. Секреты, как правило, скрыты за каждым углом, несмотря на это, и поощряют вас постоянно заходить к вампиру.

В BloodLust Shadowhunter есть много интересных дизайнов и механизмов, которые можно исследовать, хотя у него грубые края. Но если вы тот игрок, который может выходить за рамки таких проблем, вы будете вознаграждены интригующей игрой и собственным кланом вампиров.

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Game Overview

Developer: WRF Studios

Publisher: WRF Studios

Release Date: 21 Sep, 2015

Genre: RPG, Action, Horror

BloodLust is a present-day Dungeon Crawler where players will journey into the depths of darkness searching for a great evil, while struggling to decide whether to destroy or embrace their Kindred family.

The last member in a coven of “ShadowHunters” find themselves resurrected into a lost city terrorized by the all-powerful “Emperor” Ranior, a monstrous vampire lord.

Haunted by visions of darkness and tormented by their ghosts from the past, the hunters struggle daily, though they always continue to move forward.

With each victory they grow stronger, increasing bloodline and skills in the “Dark Arts”, but all at the cost of their humanity. With each new bloodline, they find themselves turning more into the vampiric monsters they were resurrected to destroy.

In the end, their great power will be challenged only by themselves, as they will have to face the source of their own immortality and decide whether to embrace the darkness or destroy it… What Would You Choose?

– Non-Linear World Allows Players to Follow Their Own Path and Quest Goals


All links are interchangeable, you can download different parts on different hosts Request a game or request re-upload, visit Game Request If you need help a problem, visit F.A.Q

BloodLust Shadowhunter Free Download

(See instructions if you don't know how to install: Instructions on how to install)

1.  Extract/Install.
2.  Crack if needed.
3.  Play game.
4.  Have fun ^^.
5.  (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below:


  • OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • Processor: 2.0 Ghz Dual-Core CPU
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 2600 or better / NVIDIA GeForce 240, 610, 8600 or better, 512 MB video memory, with Shader Model 3 support
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong

Swansong, the latest released Vampire the Masquerade game. You may not have heard of this awesome game yet. Because it is currently Epic Games exclusive. Steam release is expected in 2023. But you can buy it on Epic Games right now.

It is a Vampire RPG game mostly focused on narration. That means player will enjoy a movie like experience while playing this game.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong allows you to play as 3 vampires. All of them are over 100 years old which is quite interesting. So, highly complex and sophisticated vampire society awaits you!

Finally remember, your choices highly impact the outcomes in this game.

BloodLust Shadowhunter crashes. Low FPS. Friezes. Hangs

Your first solution to this problem install new drivers for a video card. This action can drastically rise game FPS. Also, check the CPU and memory utilization in the Task Manager (opened by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESCAPE). If before starting the game you can see that some process consumes too many resources — turn off the program or simply remove this process from Task Manager.

Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First – turn off anti-aliasing and try to lower the setting, responsible for post-processing. Many of them consume a lot of resources and switching them off will greatly enhance the performance, and not greatly affect the quality of the picture.

Be sure to update your graphics card drivers and other software

Before letting out all of your bad feelings toward development team, do not forget to go to the official website of your graphics card manufacturer and download the latest drivers. There are often specially prepared optimized drivers for specific game. You can also try to install a past versions of the driver if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.
It is important to remember that only the final version of the video card driver must be loaded – try not to use the beta version, since they can have some terrible bugs.

Do not also forget that for good game operation you may need to install the latest version DirectX, which can be found and downloaded from official Microsoft website.


So what kind of game is Bloodlust: Shadowhunter? Well it’s actually sort of two games. The first game takes place in a handful of endless deep dungeons. That part of the game is very reminiscent of the first Diablo or the Torchlight predecessor Fate. All the levels are randomly generated and filled with tons of randomly generated loot. The deeper you delve into the dungeons, the better the loot you can find. The second part of Bloodlust: Shadowhunter takes place upon the surface in a city dominated by vampire clans. The clans are forced into obedience to the vampire prince Ranior and his wicked henchman Sarx. Of course the clans would like to change this as much as they would like to sabotage each other. This part of the game resembles a traditional RPG with puzzles, quests, and NPCs. It serves as the skeleton of the game and gives you a reason to plunge even more time into the dungeons.

Just a small taste of the skill system

Bloodlust Shadowhunter’s RPG system is for the most part reminiscent of Diablo, but there are some very interesting and unusual differences. First you play a vampire, and most of your abilities are very vampiric in nature. Also there is an open skill system with one constraint. Almost every skill is associated with one of the vampire clans. Vangres is a clan of warriors. Scades specializes in ranged weapons and thieving abilities. Vurkas has magical abilities allowing you to turn to mist, brew potions or summon spiders. The Furlores are beast like. The Mysterious Shadistin know mysteries of the blood. Each skill can only be unlocked and improved if your character has a high enough reputation with the respective vampire clan. How do you improve your reputation? One way is to do quests for a clan and the other way is to find random rare equipment, which belonged to a former clan member. If you find such equipment, you can put it into the clan stash to win their approval. While each clan starts with its own unique quest, subsequent missions are unfortunately all more or less the same and involve finding a statue somewhere in a random dungeon. There are also three skills not tied to a clan which are all very interesting and well done. Secret Sight not only lets you find secret doors and switches, but also improves your dark vision, eliminating, or at least reducing, your dependence on flashlights. Vampiric Eye lets you send out your vision through tiny holes so that you can push buttons or throw switches from a distance. Bite not only improves your ability to gain blood, which allows you to constantly regenerate your health and spiritual energy, but also increases the number of vampiric minions under you control. Minions can support you in battle or be sent off to search for items or spawn vampiric minions of their own. You get to choose your minions from the poor NPCs who roam the cities or who have gotten lost in its sewers or ruins.

By completing a quest for Clan Vurkas, I raise my skill cap in my magically oriented skills

As with the skill system, Bloodlust: Shadowhunter has a really interesting and deceptively complex loot system. Of course there are the standard weapons, armour, and accessories, identification scrolls, recall stones and gems for sockets, which are all typical of these types of action RPGs.  There are also ingredients for alchemy, lockpicks, and safe cracking drill bits that are important for skills. In addition you find flashlights without which you can’t see much (at least initially), tickets for the pawnshops, maps of some of the important surface locations in the game and calling cards for a special shop which lets you improve skills or buy maps. In addition there are talent stones, which helps unlock minor bonuses (there is also a chance you get one of these at each level up, depending on your intelligence attribute. There are also monkey stones. If you find a monkey statue in a dungeon and insert two monkey stones into its eyes you can drop ten or more levels deeper into a dungeons, which increases the danger, but also the chance to find really good loot. You also find keys, which are great, because almost every dungeon has locked doors behind which there usually are containers with more treasures.

One kind of loot you can find is a rat. Biting the little critter replenishes your blood pool

BloodLust Shadowhunter Overview

Game: BloodLust Shadowhunter
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Indie
Developer: WRF Studios
Publisher: WRF Studios
Released on: Aug 01, 2015
Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows)
Age Ratings: Everyone (PEGI 3)
Score: 7.5 out of 10
Languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Danish, Russian
Countries: Netherlands, Mexico
Game Modes: Single player
Themes: Action

About BloodLust Shadowhunter

The BloodLust Shadowhunter game has become the new favorite of video game enthusiasts across the globe. Gaining admiration in the form of top ratings from 2421 number players is not easy, but this game has done with its exceptional performance.

BloodLust is a present-day Dungeon Crawler where players will journey into the depths of darkness searching for a great evil, while struggling to decide whether to destroy or embrace their Kindred family

People got amazed when they saw the 92.25 out of 100 average ratings of the game. 17980 number of users follow and daily check this game’s social media feeds.

Although this game was expected to release sooner, the publisher launched it on Aug 01, 2015.

The user can currently run this game on platforms like PC (Microsoft Windows) to enjoy a smooth gameplay. This world-famous PC game is about Role-playing (RPG), Indie.

Switching from the FPP mode to TPP mode is extremely easy in this PC game. The game is running quite awesome on PCs since it was last updated on Dec 27, 2019.

This PC game is based on the Action theme, which has played a huge role in its success. 12088 number of players offered top ratings to this game.

The total count of participants reviewing this PC game is 12460. Yes, there is an option to select the multiplayer mode and two players can play this PC game together.

Also See: Paper Shakespeare: The Legend of Rainbow Hollow PC Download Full Version

Download BloodLust Shadowhunter for PC

Game Name: BloodLust Shadowhunter

Supported Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10

Languages: ENG, FR, PL, IT, DE, RU

Check out: Extraction Valley PC Free Download

Recommended Requirements

  • CPU Speed: Dual Core 3.0 GHz
  • RAM: 6144 MB
  • OS: Microsoft Windows 8, 10 and upper.
  • VIDEO CARD: GTX 650 Ti 1GB/ Radeon 6950 1GB or better
  • Free Disk Space: 24 GB
  • SOUND CARD: DirectX 9 compatible

How to Download BloodLust Shadowhunter on PC?

To Download and Install BloodLust Shadowhunter on PC, You need some Instructions to follow here. You don’t need any Torrent ISO since it is game installer. Below are some steps, Go through it to Install and play the game.

  1. First Click on «Download Game» button above.
  2. Download «BloodLust Shadowhunter .msi Installer» to your PC.
  3. Open the Installer, Click «Next» and Install.
  4. Now open BloodLust Shadowhunter game installer from desktop.
  5. Follow all Instructions and download the game (It can take time).
  6. It will now start game Installation.
  7. Open «BloodLust Shadowhunter Game» and play.

The Dungeons

Unfortunately, as great as the loot and character building system are, so plain and uninteresting are the dungeons themselves. The tilesets for all the random dungeons are dark and relatively boring. The swamp dungeon has water on the ground and the Egyptian, passages vases and coffins that definitely look more Egyptian than those in the normal dungeon do, but in general the dungeons have plain stone walls, plain stone floors, and look exceptionally generic.

Another problem is the creatures. There are actually a decent variety of enemies, and to be fair, most of them fit very well into the game’s vampire theme. Unfortunately almost all these enemies simply move up to you and try to bang on you with their fists. There are very few ranged attackers and almost no enemies with interesting abilities. Also if an enemy gets caught on a wall or by one of your minions, they simply often respawn next to you. I suppose this prevents the game from getting to easy, but it’s one of the game’s practical if inelegant solutions.     

Dungeons do have random elements. Pits going down, doorways leading out, traps, secret doors and puzzle chests (there is a «Simple Simon» and a «switch» puzzle chest) are distributed about the levels. Any given level can also be quite small or very large depending on your luck. These do give the dungeons a nice change of pace from just plain monster hunting. However, they also make the dungeons feel like a hodgepodge of random stuff, and that doesn’t help the game’s atmosphere.

The combat in Bloodlust is very much like you’d expect from a modern action RPG / hack and slay type game. You click on the opponent with your basic attack, or activate one of your skills with a hot key. You wait for the ability to become ready again and repeat. If you’re fast enough you kill your opponent and if you’re too slow you die. For the most part there isn’t much of a consequence for dying. It’s possible you’ll be sent to a less dangerous dungeon level, but not much more happened to me, and my character didn’t die all that often, especially in the last half of my play through.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: