Aliens online

Issues fixed

Failed to start game (app already running) error

There is no universal fix, however these are confirmed to work for some users.
Delete appcache folder
  1. Go to the Steam installation folder.
  2. Delete the folder.
  3. Restart Steam, game should update itself.
Set Steam language to the same language as the game
If that does not work, try changing also operating system language

Failed to start game (RU release doesn’t work when English language is selected)

This solution is probably applicable to other non-English releases.
The game crashes to desktop after trademark screen, shows one of the error messages from previous issues.
Copy INT folders from Russian version
  1. Set game language to Russian (within Steam select game Properties -> Language -> Русский(Russian))
  2. Wait until the game download localization files.
  3. Locate and folders and copy their contents somewhere safe (You need only INT subfolders, they contain different files, don’t mix them up!).
  4. Set game language to English.
  5. Wait until the game chop it’s legs off (it removes said INT folders needed for game to function).
  6. Copy both INT subfolders you saved earlier back to and accordingly.

Blue screen on AMD CPU

There seems to be problem with game running on AMD FX processors where game crashes to BSOD or freezes system. Issue is similar to Borderlands 2 BSOD and fix also works with Aliens: Colonial Marines.
Update BIOS
Update procedure varies and can cause motherboard to malfunction when update is interrupted or applied incorrectly. Read carefully manual to your motherboard and instructions on screen when updating.

No textures

Forcing anti-aliasing via drivers on Nvidia GeForce cards will result in missing textures and black game scene.
Disable anti-aliasing in graphics adapter

Game Freezes / Crashes during Session

Due a memory restriction (x86 build), the game is limited to work with a maximum of 2GB of VRAM. Try either:
Lower V-ram intensive graphics settings such as Resolution
Play in Full Window mode instead of Fullscreen

GPU detection fix

Game has problems with detecting some graphic adapters — mainly mobile GPUs and new graphics. Because of this, game can select wrong settings profile for your system.
1. Checking GPU detection
  1. Open .
  2. Locate line where X,Y and Z values are assigned grade of your system. Value of 5 is the highest grade for high end hardware.

If you’ve got powerful hardware and you’re not getting high enough grades, follow the guide in the next fixbox. Otherwise you don’t need to change anything.

2. Adding your GPU to the hardware list
  1. In file locate these lines:
     Log: GPU stats:
     Log: 	VendorID: 0000YYYY
     Log: 	DeviceID: 0000XXXX
     Log: 	DriverVersion: <numbers>
     Log: 	DeviceName: <GPU name>
  2. Edit
  3. Locate section for your vendor — search for value.
  4. Add line into your vendor section for your graphics adapter. Use information from file like so:
    YYYY        -  last four digits from VendorID
    G           -  your desired hardware grade - 1 lowest, 5 highest
    <GPU name>  -  string from DeviceName

Example 1:

 Log: GPU stats:
 Log: DeviceID: 00001244 
 Log: DeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti

will result in

Example 2:

 Log: GPU stats:
 Log: 	VendorID: 00001002
 Log: 	DeviceID: 00006738
 Log: 	DriverVersion:
 Log: 	DeviceName: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series

will result in

3. Additional graphic enhancement for high-end hardware
This step is optional. It will force maximum quality level of detail for grade 5 hardware.
  1. Edit
  2. In section search for these lines:
  3. Change ones to zeros and save the file. Additionally you can tweak some other options in this section.

Unresponsive controls

Unplug all USB game controllers, alternatively disable them in Device manager
.ini edit
  1. Open
  2. Locate line in section and change 1 to 0.

Crash upon starting the «Stasis Interrupted» DLC

The game can freeze during the first cutscene on some systems.
Disable SSAO and lower the graphics settings
After the cutscene has finished playing, you can return the graphics settings to their original values.


Франшиза «Чужой» открылась фантастическим фильмом 1979 года режиссера Ридли Скотта.

Действие картины происходит в недалеком будущем. Космический корабль, возвращающийся на Землю, улавливает сигнал, исходящий с неизвестной планеты. Экипаж отправляется на поиски его источника и обнаруживает потерпевший крушение звездолет и пилота-инопланетянина с разорванной грудной клеткой. Один из членов экипажа подвергается нападению неизвестного существа-лицехвата. Вопреки инструкции, пострадавшего доставляют обратно на корабль, а вместе с ним туда попадает и опасный монстр.

  • Главную роль в картине исполнила Сигурни Уивер («Смерть и девушка»). Фильм получил немало наград, включая «Оскар» за лучшие визуальные эффекты, а также премию «Сатурн» в номинациях «Лучший научно-фантастический фильм» и «Лучший режиссер». Рейтинг картины на Rotten Tomatoes — 98%.
  • В 1986 году на экраны вышло продолжение «Чужие», на этот раз за режиссуру взялся Джеймс Кэмерон. Спасшаяся после встречи с опасным существом офицер Рипли (Сигурни Уивер) вынуждена вернуться на планету, где все началось. Однако теперь ее поджидает не один монстр: тысячи Чужих готовы расправиться с незваными гостями.
  • Лента вновь завоевала «Оскар» за визуальные эффекты и премию «Сатурн» как лучший фантастический фильм, Кэмерон обзавелся «Сатурном» за лучшую режиссуру, а Сигурни Уивер — за лучшую женскую роль. Рейтинг картины на Rotten Tomatoes — 98%.
  • Всего в основной серии вышло четыре фильма, однако повторить успех первых двух частей так и не удалось. «Чужой 3» Дэвида Финчера получил всего 47% положительных рецензий на Rotten Tomatoes и не завоевал ни одной награды. Четвертая часть «Чужой 4: Воскрешение» Жан-Пьера Жене получила 53% положительных рецензий, при этом рейтинг зрительского одобрения опустился до 39%.

В рамках франшизы вышло также два приквела истории.

  • В 2012 году состоялась премьера фантастического фильма Ридли Скотта «Прометей». Изначально он был задуман как приквел «Чужого», но в итоге превратился в самостоятельную ленту, напрямую не связанную с основной серией. При этом действие происходит незадолго до событий «Чужого» в той же звездной системе. Рейтинг на Rotten Tomatoes — 73%.
  • В 2017-м состоялась премьера картины «Чужой: Завет», рассказывающей историю происхождения Чужого. Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes — 65%.

Вскоре после выхода первой ленты разработчики выпустили дебютную игру по вселенной «Чужого». Это была копия аркады Pac-Man, где привидений заменили на инопланетных монстров.

About Aliens Online

Most active users have given top reviews to the Aliens Online PC game. It’s quite astonishing to learn that a total of 4600 users have participated to review this PC game. This Simulation-themed video game got perfect backdrop sounds for all the action sequences.

Aliens Online is a first-person shooter video game released in 1998 for Microsoft Windows. It is based on the science fiction horror film Aliens.

You should try this video game because 5588 average users have rewarded it with above average ratings.

You can easily play this game on platforms like PC (Microsoft Windows). It was Mar 31, 1998 date when the studio had launched this thrilling action game.

Many players have no idea that their favorite PC game got 17292 active social media followers. There is only the first-person perspective gaming mode in this game and you can’t change it.

Try this PC game right now if you havent played a PC game in the Shooter genre. This PC game got new updates on Apr 13, 2019 date to entertain users in a better way.


Staging area

Upon starting the game, players selected their side and entered into a central lobby with a themed UI for their faction («Staging» for Marines, «The Hive» for Aliens). The lobby tracked multiple games running concurrently on different servers, with near-live updates to remaining lives for each team, or the status of objectives. Players could not spectate matches, but could clearly see who was winning and by how much before joining a map. Players could also chat cross-faction in the lobby, send private chat messages to particular players, or set up private chat rooms (called «Tables») and invite players into them for planning or creation of Marine fireteams.

Maps were multi-level installations thematically appropriate to the film (abandoned colonies, space ships, etc). Every map had a «drop zone» where Marines spawned, and a Hive containing the Alien Queen (player-controlled Aliens spawned randomly throughout the map). Game types generally required the Marines to move through the complexes and reach the Hive, though the reasons for doing so varied.

Marine lives were tracked through «billets.» Each Marine death subtracted from the same pool of billets, and when all billets were exhausted, no Marines could respawn and no additional Marines could join the match.

Alien lives were tracked similarly, but tied to artificial intelligence driven NPCs. If the Alien side started with 250 drones, then 250 drones were present in the game world and controlled by the A.I. Alien players entering the game inhabited the body of a random drone, and jumped to a new drone after death. This gave Marines a numerically superior enemy to fight no matter how many Alien players were in the mission, and also allowed Marines to lower the number of Alien players by tangibly chipping away at their pool of lives (whereas Marines were always controlled by players, and Marine billets only removed by killing a Marine player).

Matches were strictly Marines vs Aliens, with no possibility for Marine vs Marine games. Both sides granted varying amounts of XP to players who successfully killed members of the opposing faction. Both factions granted different bonuses for reaching specific XP milestones, though XP was strictly tied to rank. Players could not spend XP to customize their characters.

An interesting note is that Aliens Online had no hard limits on the number of players inside one map or instance. Due to the time (most players still using dial-up) and the relative youth of the Internet infrastructure, lag was a constant problem in all games. Despite this, it was possible to have up to 200 active players inside one map — with the game still playable and relatively free of issues. Community-organized game nights regularly took advantage of this, especially toward the final year of the game, and packed maps full of teams competing in weekly matches.


S.C.A.R.E. LV-426B

S.C.A.R.E. (which is not believed to actually stand for anything) was an offline «training area» for Marines. Marines could load any available map and explore it, facing only computer A.I. drones. Marines could use all weapons in this mode, making it useful for trying out weapons or understanding the layout of the maps. Aliens had an equivalent called «Genetic Memory.» A.I. Marines were present in this mode (and only this mode), but would not attack.

S.C.A.R.E. is noteworthy beyond the shutdown of Aliens Online, as it is now the only way to interact with the game’s maps. A configuration file can be altered to load without looking for connections to the GameStorm network, thus allowing the curious roam through all the maps in S.C.A.R.E. mode.

Directions for offline S.C.A.R.E. mode:

  1. Go into the Aliens Online root directory and find the file named «main.dat».
  2. Open main.dat in Notepad and look for the heading «». Under that, there will be some protocol listings.
  3. Change «protocol=aries» to «;protocol=aries» (adding the semi-colon prefix). Now add «protocol=single» (no semi-colon). Save the dat file and run the game.

Version 2.21 removed S.C.A.R.E. and Genetic Memory.

Game Types/Missions

Aliens Online originally released with only one game type (Eradication). More were added with patch 2.21, expanding the basic team deathmatch into variants of capture-the-flag and last man standing.

Eradication — Simple team deathmatch. Wipe out the enemy faction’s supply of extra lives.

Timed Eradication — Adds a time limit to keep things moving along (addressing a common community complaint)

Capture — Marines must enter the hive and collect a limited number of eggs, then take them back to the drop zone. The Marine carrying the egg moves slower and cannot attack. Aliens can also pick up and return, or hide, the eggs.

Demolition — Marines must carry explosive charges from the drop zone to marked areas of the map. Marines carrying charges move slowly and cannot attack. Aliens cannot interact with the charges, or disarm them once planted.

Stranded — Marines start in a locked room with a timer counting down. When the timer expires, the doors open and no further Marines may enter the game. Marines must make it to a marked evacuation point on the map, with no respawns allowed. Marines that arrive at the evac point early must hold it until all Marines arrive, or until the stragglers are killed.

Retrieval — Marines must locate a data core on the map and return it to the Drop Zone. The data core is a reskinned demolition charge, and applies identical penalties to the Marine carrying it. Aliens originally were allowed to pick up and move the core, but this led to griefing by placing the core in air vents Marines couldn’t cross (such as over the Coronado bridge).



Review scores
Publication Score
Computer Games Strategy Plus
GameSpot 7.2/10
Next Generation

Aliens Online was well received upon its release. Chris Gregson of GameSpot said, «With so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose, any self-respecting Aliens fan should give Aliens Online a try.» Brooks Peck and Craig E. Engler from Science Fiction Weekly gave the beta version the perfect A score. Noting the game’s bugs, they nevertheless opined, «It’s clear that Kesmai has what it takes to satisfy both the Aliens fan and the hardcore gamer. This is one of those titles that cashes in on some of the Internet’s promises of multiplayer action, and it’s sure to be a hit with SF lovers.» However, Next Generation called it «a wonderful addition to GameStorm. We just wish there was more variety so the thrill could last.»

According to a retrospective by Stephen Kleckner of GamesBeat , «Aliens Online, unfortunately, was riddled with balancing issues and bad level design. (…) Ancient ’90s computing technology and Internet infrastructure and these issues worse, resulting in incredibly laggy connectivity.»


Originally, Aliens had free roam of the entire map at all times — including the Marine spawn points. The most notorious example was Coronado, where Aliens could drop down from air vents placed directly over the spawn rooms and kill Marines as they loaded. Maps were redesigned to plug the most egregious holes, and a period of invincibility was added to Marines as they entered the game.

Land mines were also added as a way to give Marines the ability to secure their own drop zones. However, even moderately-ranked Marines could survive the blast of a mine, while Aliens could not. This led to Marines dropping mines at their feet when attacked, which instantly killed their attackers — a tactic disparagingly called «Gormaning» (after Lt. Gorman’s decision to blow a grenade rather than be captured in the film Aliens).

Marine ranks significantly increased the survivability of any player, while the Alien side had no equivalent. Gunnery Sergeants could survive up to ten claw strikes — many more if also healing with kits — while most weapons killed any Alien in one to two shots. Higher Marine ranks actually became less respected in the community. «Honorable» Marines were expected to re-roll a character (since actual skill was independent of rank; i.e. a Private could fight just as well as a Master Sergeant), while high ranks were assumed to be griefers.

Marine ranks could also be achieved through grinding, while Alien ranks could not. The A.I. drones used to fill out the Alien ranks were easy targets for dedicated grinders, and the reward were ranks sturdy enough to nullify most player Alien tactics. This led to a number of «Drone Chasers» that would enter empty missions and grind on the A.I. drones — often leaving once they killed the Queen, or dropping immediately if a player Alien arrived.

The dreaded Smart Gun

The Smart Gun was a particularly hated weapon for its instant tracking abilities. Any Alien in range would promptly be targeted by the gun, and a simple click of the fire button would waste them. The gun was intended to be in limited supply by being linked to fireteams, but Marines would regularly form «public» fireteams just for the SGs. Lag also caused obvious headaches for an instant-tracking weapon, and likely made the gun more overpowered than intended. And while Smart Gunners were still vulnerable from behind, the added effect of a highly ranked character gave plenty of time to simply turn around and wax any sneaky Alien. It was later tweaked to have a minimum distance (so it literally wouldn’t fire at Aliens in melee range), but could never shake the reputation of being the early equivalent to the «noob tube.»


Пришельцы онлайн был хорошо принят после его выпуска. Крис Грегсон из GameSpot дал ему оценку 7,2 из 10, высказав мнение: «С таким большим выигрышем и абсолютно не с чем терять любой уважающий себя Пришельцы фанат должен дать Пришельцы онлайн попытка «. Брукс Пек и Крейг Э. Энглер из Еженедельник научной фантастики дал бета-версии отличную оценку. Отмечая ошибки в игре, они, тем не менее, высказали мнение, что «очевидно, что у Кесмая есть все необходимое, чтобы удовлетворить как Пришельцы фанат и заядлый геймер. Это одна из тех игр, которые используют некоторые из обещаний Интернета о многопользовательской игре, и она наверняка понравится любителям научной фантастики ».

Согласно ретроспективе Стивена Клекнера из Игры, «Пришельцы онлайнК сожалению, у него были проблемы с балансом и плохой дизайн уровней. (…) Древние компьютерные технологии 90-х и инфраструктура Интернета, а также эти проблемы еще хуже, приводящие к невероятно медленной связи ».

Следующее поколение проверил игру, оценил ее на три звезды из пяти и заявил: «В целом, это прекрасное дополнение к GameStorm. Мы просто хотим, чтобы было больше разнообразия, чтобы острые ощущения продолжались».


Пришельцы онлайн включены асимметричные команды, команды, состоящие из большего количества игроков, чем в большинстве шутеры от первого лица своей эпохи, специализации профессии / класса и РПГ элементы. Игроки могли сражаться как на стороне колониальной морской пехоты США, так и на стороне Пришельцы. Сценарии разыгрывались на одной из шести разных карт, и еще три добавлялись за время существования игры.

  • У фракции Колониального Дозора были классы Медик, Разведчик, Солдат и Тяжелое оружие. Более продвинутое вооружение было доступно при объединении в «боевую группу», а увеличенные хиты стали доступны по мере продвижения персонажа в ранге. В оснащение морских пехотинцев входил детектор движения из фильма Пришельцы, что было их единственным методом определения местонахождения пришельцев, но не позволяло обнаружить неподвижных пришельцев. В более поздних версиях игры морпехи могли также сбрасывать мины.
  • У фракции Hive Alien были классы Face Hugger, Drone, Queen и Empress. Их возможности включали в себя легкий прыжок к вентиляционным отверстиям и ускорение через тесные каналы, а также радар всей карты, представляющий большую осведомленность и менталитет инопланетян. Они атаковали только с близкого расстояния, используя удары хвостом и когтями. На каждой карте один инопланетный игрок мог играть роль королевы или императрицы, и этот игрок мог свободно переключаться с дрона на дрон. Игроки получали очки за убийство морских пехотинцев и теряли их, умирая, кроме тех случаев, когда они играли за лицо, обнимающее лицо, которое не теряет очков за смерть.


Originally, Aliens had free roam of the entire map at all times — including the Marine spawn points. The most notorious example was Coronado, where Aliens could drop down from air vents placed directly over the spawn rooms and kill Marines . Maps were redesigned to plug the most egregious holes, and a period of invincibility was added to Marines as they entered the game.

Land mines were also added as a way to give Marines the ability to secure their own drop zones. However, even moderately-ranked Marines could survive the blast of a mine, while Aliens could not. This led to Marines dropping mines at their feet when attacked, which instantly killed their attackers — a tactic disparagingly called «Gormaning» (after Lt. Gorman’s decision to blow a grenade rather than be captured in the film Aliens).

Marine ranks significantly increased the survivability of any player, while the Alien side had no equivalent. Gunnery Sergeants could survive up to ten claw strikes — many more if also healing with kits — while most weapons killed any Alien in one to two shots. Higher Marine ranks actually became less respected in the community. «Honorable» Marines were expected to re-roll a character (since actual skill was independent of rank; i.e. a Private could fight just as well as a Master Sergeant), while high ranks were assumed to be griefers.

Marine ranks could also be achieved through , while Alien ranks could not. The A.I. drones used to fill out the Alien ranks were easy targets for dedicated grinders, and the reward were ranks sturdy enough to nullify most player Alien tactics. This led to a number of «Drone Chasers» that would enter empty missions and grind on the A.I. drones — often leaving once they killed the Queen, or dropping immediately if a player Alien arrived.

The dreaded Smart Gun

The Smart Gun was a particularly hated weapon for its abilities. Any Alien in range would promptly be targeted by the gun, and a simple click of the fire button would waste them. The gun was intended to be in limited supply by being linked to fireteams, but Marines would regularly form «public» fireteams just for the SGs. Lag also caused obvious headaches for an instant-tracking weapon, and likely made the gun more overpowered than intended. And while Smart Gunners were still vulnerable from behind, the added effect of a highly ranked character gave plenty of time to simply turn around and wax any sneaky Alien. It was later tweaked to have a minimum distance (so it literally wouldn’t fire at Aliens in melee range), but could never shake the reputation of being the early equivalent to the «noob tube.»


Aliens Online was well received upon its release. Chris Gregson of GameSpot gave it a review score of 7.2/10, opining «With so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose, any self-respecting Aliens fan should give Aliens Online a try.» Brooks Peck and Craig E. Engler from Science Fiction Weekly gave the beta version the perfect A score. Noting the game’s bugs, they nevertheless opined «it’s clear that Kesmai has what it takes to satisfy both the Aliens fan and the hardcore gamer. This is one of those titles that cashes in on some of the Internet’s promises of multiplayer action, and it’s sure to be a hit with SF lovers.»

According to a retrospective by Stephen Kleckner of GamesBeat, «Aliens Online, unfortunately, was riddled with balancing issues and bad level design. (…) Ancient ’90s computing technology and Internet infrastructure and these issues worse, resulting in incredibly laggy connectivity.»

Aliens Online Overview

Game: Aliens Online
Genre: Shooter
Ratings: 96.58
Followers: 17292+ users
Released on: Mar 31, 1998
Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows)
Age Ratings: Ratings Pending (PEGI 16)
Score: 7.1 out of 10
Languages: English, Roman, Bulgarian, Danish, German, Russian
Player’s Perspectives: First person
Game Modes: Single player, Multiplayer
Themes: Simulation

About Aliens Online

Most active users have given top reviews to the Aliens Online PC game. It’s quite astonishing to learn that a total of 4600 users have participated to review this PC game. This Simulation-themed video game got perfect backdrop sounds for all the action sequences.

Aliens Online is a first-person shooter video game released in 1998 for Microsoft Windows. It is based on the science fiction horror film Aliens.

You should try this video game because 5588 average users have rewarded it with above average ratings.

You can easily play this game on platforms like PC (Microsoft Windows). It was Mar 31, 1998 date when the studio had launched this thrilling action game.

Many players have no idea that their favorite PC game got 17292 active social media followers. There is only the first-person perspective gaming mode in this game and you can’t change it.

Try this PC game right now if you havent played a PC game in the Shooter genre. This PC game got new updates on Apr 13, 2019 date to entertain users in a better way.

There is no multiplayer mode in this PC game! Above 4394 users have given positive ratings to this PC game.

Also See: WWF Raw Download Full Version PC Game

Download Aliens Online for PC

Game Name: Aliens Online

Supported Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10

Languages: ENG, FR, PL, IT, DE, RU

Check out: Containment Download Full PC Game

Recommended Requirements

  • CPU Speed: 2.33 GHz
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • OS: WIN 10, 8, 7
  • VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GTX 960, AMD Radeon R9 295, or equivalent
  • Free Disk Space: 20 GB
  • SOUND CARD: DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card

How to Download Aliens Online on PC?

To Download and Install Aliens Online on PC, You need some Instructions to follow here. You don’t need any Torrent ISO since it is game installer. Below are some steps, Go through it to Install and play the game.

  1. First Click on «Download Game» button above.
  2. Download «Aliens Online .msi Installer» to your PC.
  3. Open the Installer, Click «Next» and Install.
  4. Now open Aliens Online game installer from desktop.
  5. Follow all Instructions and download the game (It can take time).
  6. It will now start game Installation.
  7. Open «Aliens Online Game» and play.


Aliens Online featured eight total maps, cycled through at random across multiple game instances:

  • LV-426B (colony)
  • Agro V-345Z (agricultural complex)
  • USS Coronado (space ship)
  • Station Zeta-4 (space station)
  • MR-456 Mining (mining colony)
  • Military Base (added in v2.12)
  • Waste Facility (added in v2.12 )
  • Undersea Base (added in v2.12)

Agro V-345Z

All maps were enclosed arenas with multiple pathways allowing for circular movement. The exception to this are the Mining and Waste maps, which required a linear progression through three towers (and underlying tunnels) to unlock the door to the next tower. The LV-426B and Agricultural maps also featured outer doors which could be locked, denying shortcuts to particular sections until unlocked again. Design was not limited to hard right angles, and frequently featured slanting walls, overhangs, or irregular geometry in the hive sections.

All maps featured a multi-leveled design, including tunnels and overhanging air ducts for the Aliens. Aliens could leap high enough to enter these with impunity, while Marines could only access them from ladders at specific hatches. With the obvious exception of the space maps, all maps contained indoor and outdoor areas, with seamless transition between the two. Agro and Waste featured water areas that slowed players down and generated noisy «splashing» when moving through them.

All maps featured working doors, wall-mounted switches, and translucent windows. Lighting effects were limited, with areas of different lighting levels, and lights that could flicker but not fade. Marines carried portable flashlights with a limited radius, that could be toggled on and off. Aliens saw a uniform light level at all times. Marines and Aliens could also look up and down at a maximum 45-degree angle, mostly allowing Marines to look up at vents for attackers, or Aliens to look down and wait to pounce.


Aliens Online included asymmetric teams, teams consisting of more players than found in most first-person shooters of its era, job/class specialization, and RPG elements. Players could fight on either the side of the United States Colonial Marines or on the side of the Aliens. Scenarios were played in one of six different maps, with three more added over the game’s lifespan.

  • The Colonial Marine faction had the Medic, Scout, Soldier, and Heavy Weapons classes. More advanced weaponry were available when grouping as a «fireteam,» and increased hit points became available as a character progressed in rank. Marines’ equipment included the motion detector from the film Aliens, which was their sole method to locate Aliens, but would not locate Aliens which were not moving. In later versions of the game, the Marines could also drop proximity mines.
  • The Hive Alien faction had the Face Hugger, Drone, Queen, and Empress classes. Their capabilities included leaping easily to vents and speeding through cramped ducts, and radar of the entire map, representing the aliens’ greater awareness and hive-like mentality. They attacked only at close range using tail strikes and with claws. Each map allowed one alien player to fill the role as Queen or Empress, and that player could freely swap from drone to drone. Players gained points for killing Marines and lost them by dying, except when playing as a face hugger, which loses no points for dying.


S.C.A.R.E. LV-426B

S.C.A.R.E. (which is not believed to actually stand for anything) was an offline «training area» for Marines. Marines could load any available map and explore it, facing only computer A.I. drones. Marines could use all weapons in this mode, making it useful for trying out weapons or understanding the layout of the maps. Aliens had an equivalent called «Genetic Memory.» A.I. Marines were present in this mode (and only this mode), but would not attack.

S.C.A.R.E. is noteworthy beyond the shutdown of Aliens Online, as it is now the only way to interact with the game’s maps. A configuration file can be altered to load without looking for connections to the GameStorm network, thus allowing the curious roam through all the maps in S.C.A.R.E. mode.

Directions for offline S.C.A.R.E. mode:

  1. Go into the Aliens Online root directory and find the file named «main.dat».
  2. Open main.dat in Notepad and look for the heading «». Under that, there will be some protocol listings.
  3. Change «protocol=aries» to «;protocol=aries» (adding the semi-colon prefix). Now add «protocol=single» (no semi-colon). Save the dat file and run the game.

Version 2.21 removed S.C.A.R.E. and Genetic Memory.

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