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Production line : car factory simulation free download

Car Factory Simulator Введение

Car Factory Simulator В последнее время очень популярная игра strategy завоевала множество поклонников по всему миру, которым нравятся игры strategy. Если вы хотите скачать эту игру, так как это крупнейший в мире сайт бесплатной загрузки мод apk — moddroid — ваш лучший выбор. moddroid не только предоставляет вам последнюю версию Car Factory Simulator 39 бесплатно, но также бесплатно предоставляет мод Unlimited money, помогая вам сохранить повторяющуюся механическую задачу в игре, чтобы вы могли сосредоточиться на наслаждении радостью, которую приносит сама игра. moddroid обещает, что любой мод Car Factory Simulator не будет взимать плату с игроков, и он на 100% безопасен, доступен и бесплатен для установки. Просто скачайте клиент moddroid, вы можете загрузить и установить Car Factory Simulator 39 одним щелчком мыши. Чего же вы ждете, скачайте moddroid и играйте!

Красивый экран

Как и традиционные игры strategy, Car Factory Simulator отличается уникальным художественным стилем, а благодаря высококачественной графике, картам и персонажам Car Factory Simulator привлекает множество поклонников strategy, и по сравнению по сравнению с традиционными играми strategy, Car Factory Simulator 39 использует обновленный виртуальный движок и вносит смелые обновления. Благодаря более продвинутым технологиям впечатления от игры на экране значительно улучшились. Сохраняя оригинальный стиль strategy, он максимально улучшает сенсорный опыт пользователя, и существует множество различных типов мобильных телефонов apk с отличной адаптируемостью, гарантируя, что все любители игр strategy могут в полной мере насладиться счастьем. принес Car Factory Simulator 39

Production Line: Car Factory Simulation (Русская версия)

Production Line – это симулятор автомобильного конвейера, а проще говоря, автомобильного завода. Ваша задача — наладить производство автомобилей и получить из этого прибыль. Сделать это будет крайне сложно, мир перенасыщен конкурентами. Просто создать хороший автомобиль недостаточно, нужно балансировать между дешевизной и качеством, чтобы в итоге клиент остался доволен. Под вашим руководством огромный завод и каждый этап сборки автомобиля

Оптимизируйте все, сделайте работу максимально эффективной – только так вы добьетесь успеха, и, что самое важное – прибыли.Производственная линия — новая игра по управлению / моделированию / магнату для автомобильной фабрики, которая максимально расширяет ваши организационные и предпринимательские навыки. Можете ли вы построить оптимальную, оптимизированную линию производства легковых автомобилей, обойдя конкурентов и все же получая прибыль?Современный автомобильный завод является почти идеальным примером эффективности, управления процессами и текучести

Огромная армия роботов с точным управлением танцует под миллиметровый балет инженерного совершенства с идеальным временем. Компоненты перемещаются вдоль конвейерных лент в систему заказа «точно в срок», которая не оставляет никаких пауз, задержек, путаницы и заторов. Ничего не существует, кроме идеальной эффективности потока высокотехнологичного автомобилестроения …теоретически.На практике, конечно, жизнь не так проста. Когда вы вступите в борьбу с вашим первым проектом фабрики, он, конечно, не будет чувствовать себя в состоянии чистого потока … или прибыли в этом отношении. Создание нескольких автомобилей на заказ и безубыточность — это одно … но конкурировать с крупными транснациональными корпорациями и выпускать тысячи автомобилей для массового рынка — это совершенно новая игра в мяч.Чтобы завоевать долю рынка у крупных компаний, вам понадобится планирование, оценка будущей технологии, внимательный взгляд на ваши итоги и умение проектировать планировку завода, которая использует каждый квадратный метр и сокращает производственные затраты на машина до абсолютного минимума. Есть ли у вас что требуется, чтобы выиграть?Производственная линия — это новая игра по управлению фабриками / симуляторам / магнатам на автомобильном заводе от Positech Games, разработчиков «Демократии и космических баталий» и издателей Big Pharma. Эта игра разработана для того, чтобы привлечь всех нас, людей, которые не могут не упорядочить вещи для достижения максимальной производительности. Тайный предприниматель, статистик-выродок, это ты? если так … добро пожаловать в игру своей мечты (мы надеемся!)Ключом к пониманию производственной линии является разделение труда и достоинства машин специального назначения. В начале ваш завод будет небольшим, а отдельные слоты на вашей производственной линии будут выполнять большие сложные задачи (например, установка кузова автомобиля). По мере того, как вы будете искать лучшие методы и зарабатывать средства для расширения, вы продолжите разделять эти слоты на более мелкие (и более быстрые) производственные площади, которые обеспечат плавный поток новых автомобилей. В то же время, исследователи дизайна продукта будут работать над тем, как усовершенствовать свои автомобили с помощью новых технологий, таких как автоматические фары, усилитель руля, поддержка телефона Bluetooth и распознавание голоса. Это гонка, чтобы быть продуктивным И гонка, чтобы быть прибыльным. Вы готовы соревноваться?Дополнения игрыProduction Line: Car Factory Simulation (Русская версия):- Doors That Go Like This- Design Variety PackМинимальные системные требования игрыProduction Line: Car Factory Simulation (Русская версия):- Операционная система: Windows 7, 8, 10- Процессор: intel i5 1.6GHZ- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ- Видеокарта: intel HD3000- DirectX: Версии 9.0c- Место на диске: 500 Мб

Жанр: Симулятор / Песочница / СтратегияЯзык интерфейса: Русский / Multi 9Инсталлятор. Версия игры: 1.81eРазмер: 206 МбПрямые ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям

Жанр: Тайкуны / Менеджеры


Production Line : Car factory simulation Free Download

Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game that pushes your organisational and entrepreneurship skills to the limit. Can you build the ultimate optimised, free-flowing car production line whilst beating the competition and still turn a profit?

Game Details

Title: Production Line : Car factory simulationGenre: Indie, Simulation, StrategyDeveloper: Positech GamesPublisher: Positech GamesRelease Date: 7 Mar, 2019Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/591370/Production_Line__Car_factory_simulation/

About This Game

Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game that pushes your organisational and entrepreneurship skills to the limit. Can you build the ultimate optimised, free-flowing car production line whilst beating the competition and still turn a profit?

A modern car factory is a near perfect example of efficiency, process-management and flow. A massive army of precision-controlled robots dance to a milimeter-perfect ballet of engineering excellence with perfect timing. Components snake along conveyor belts to a ‘just-in-time’ ordering system that leaves no pauses, no delay, no confusion or congestion. Nothing exists but the perfect flowing efficiency of high tech car construction…

…in theory.

In practice, of course, life is not so simple. When you get to grips with your first factory design, it certainly will not feel in a state of pure flow…or profit for that matter. Making a handful of built-to-order cars and breaking even is one thing…but competing with the big multinationals and churning out thousands of cars for the mass market is a whole new ballgame.To win market share from the big companies you are going to need planning, an appreciation of future technology, a careful eye on your bottom line, and an ability to design a factory layout that makes use of every square meter, and cuts production costs per car to the absolute minimum. Have you got what it takes to win?

Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game from Positech Games, the developers of Democracy & Gratuitous Space Battles, and publishers of Big Pharma. This game is designed to appeal to the efficiency geek in all of us, the person who cannot help but organize things for maximum performance. The closet entrepreneur, the stats-geek, Is that you? if so…welcome to your dream game (we hope!)

The key to understanding production line is the division of labor and the merits of purpose-built machinery. At the start, your factory will be small and the individual slots on your production line will carry out large complex tasks (like fitting the car body). As you research better methods, and earn the funds to expand, you will continue to subdivide those slots into smaller (and faster) production areas which keep the flow of new vehicles flowing smoothly. At the same time, product design researchers will be working out how to enhance your cars with new technologies such as automatic headlights, power steering, bluetooth phone support and voice recognition.

its a race to be productive AND a race to be profitable. Are you ready to compete?

System Requirements


Windows 7,8,10
intel i5 1.6GHZ
intel HD3000
Version 9.0c
500 MB available space
Sound Card:


Windows 7,8,10
intel i7
intel HD4000
Version 9.0c
500 MB available space
Sound Card:

Really I believe that there is not will need to record video tutorial. Instructions below are enough. It’s simple to download and install it.

1. Download Full Version for Free. Direct link is under instructions
2. Open “Production Line _ Car factory simulation.zip”, next run installer “Production Line _ Car factory simulation.exe”
2. Install the game
3. Move files in folder Crack to folder in which you installed the game
4. Now you can play full version of the game and enjoy it!

Keep in mind about checking our website from time to time to make sure you’ve got the newest updated version. If the game will soon be updated you will can download also Update for Free

Production Line Car factory simulation v1.72 Free Download PC Game Overview

The creation line is the new vehicle processing plant the board/reenactment/mogul game that pushes your hierarchical and business enterprise aptitudes as far as possible. Would you be able to fabricate a definitive advanced, free-streaming vehicle generation line while beating the challenge and still turn a benefit?

A cutting edge vehicle production line is a close ideal case of effectiveness, process-the board, and stream. An enormous armed force of exactness controlled robots moves to a millimeter-ideal artful dance of designing magnificence with flawless planning. Segments snake alongside transport lines to an ‘in the nick of time’ requesting framework that leaves no stops, no postponement, no perplexity or blockage. Nothing exists except for the ideal streaming effectiveness of cutting edge vehicle development…

Practically speaking, obviously, life isn’t so basic. When you get to grasps with your first manufacturing plant structure, it absolutely won’t feel in a condition of unadulterated stream… or benefit besides. Especially making a bunch of fabricated autos and equaling the initial investment is a certain something… however, contending with the huge multinationals and producing a great many vehicles for the mass market is a totally different situation.

To win a piece of the overall industry from the huge organizations you are going to need arranging, an energy about future innovation, a cautious eye on your main concern, and a capacity to structure a processing plant design that utilizes each square meter, and slices generation costs per vehicle to without a doubt the base. Do you have the stuff to win?

The creation line is the new vehicle manufacturing plant the executives/recreation/magnate game from Positech Games, the designers of Democracy and Gratuitous Space Battles, and distributors of Big Pharma. This game is intended to interest the productivity nerd in every last one of us, the individual who can’t resist the opportunity to compose things for the greatest execution. The storage room business visionary, the details nerd, Is that you? Assuming this is the case… Welcome to your fantasy game (we trust!)

The way to understanding generation line is the division of work and the benefits of direction fabricated apparatus. Toward the begin, your processing plant will be little and the individual openings on your generation line will complete enormous complex assignments (like fitting the vehicle body). As you research better strategies and acquire the assets to grow, you will keep on subdividing those spaces into littler (and quicker) generation zones which keep the progression of new vehicles streaming easily. Simultaneously, item plan scientists will work out how to upgrade your vehicles with new innovations, for example, programmed headlights, control directing, Bluetooth telephone backing, and voice acknowledgment.

Can I get a free Production Line : Car factory simulation Steam key? Is there a way to download Production Line : Car factory simulation for free?

If you’re short on money and want to get Production Line : Car factory simulation for free, there are a couple of ways for you to try:

  • You can create a price alert on GG.deals and set your price as “free”. Stores like Humble Bundle or Indie Gala frequently give away free Steam keys for promotional purposes. There are also regular giveaways on Epic Games Store. If there is a way to get Production Line : Car factory simulation for free, you will be the first to know!
  • GG.deals sometimes organizes giveaways where you can win good games for completing short tasks. Look out for these giveaways and actively participate for better chances of winning the prize!

Even if Production Line : Car factory simulation free download is not available, you can always save up and get the key at the lowest possible price using GG.deals comparison engine.

Production Line Car factory simulation Free Download Overview

Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game that pushes your organisational and entrepreneurship skills to the limit. You can also download CASE 2 Animatronics Survival.

A modern car factory is a near perfect example of efficiency, process-management and flow. A massive army of precision-controlled robots dance to a milimeter-perfect ballet of engineering excellence with perfect timing. Components snake along conveyor belts to a ‘just-in-time†ordering system that leaves no pauses, no delay, no confusion or congestion. Nothing exists but the perfect flowing efficiency of high tech car construction. You can also download PC Building Simulator Overclockers UK Workshop.

Will I be able to download Production Line : Car factory simulation game immediately?

All shops featured on GG.deals will deliver your game immediately after the payment has been approved. This will be either in the form of direct download or PC key — depending on the store of your choice. After you activate key on a corresponding platform, you will be able to download and play your game for free. If you don’t know how to activate the key, check out the tutorials section on the bottom of the page.

Occasionally some stores might delay the purchase for manual review of your order. These checks are meant to prevent the store from frauds. If your order is selected for a manual review and you don’t want to wait or provide additional information, you can always request order cancellation and get your money back.

Production Line Car Factory Simulation-DARKZER0

Posted March 8, 2019 in PC GAMES, REQUEST ACCEPTED


Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game that pushes your…


Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game that pushes your organisational and entrepreneurship skills to the limit. Can you build the ultimate optimised, free-flowing car production line whilst beating the competition and still turn a profit?

Title: Production Line Car factory simulation
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Release Date: 7 Mar, 2019

Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• http://store.steampowered.com/app/591370/Production_Line/

Production Line Car Factory Simulation-DARKZER0
Size: 265 MB
































































    • OS: Windows 7,8,10
    • Processor: intel i5 1.6GHZ
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: intel HD3000
    • DirectX: Version 9.0c
    • Storage: 500 MB available space
    • Sound Card: any


    • OS: Windows 7,8,10
    • Processor: intel i7
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: intel HD4000
    • DirectX: Version 9.0c
    • Storage: 500 MB available space
    • Sound Card: any

Production Line Car Factory Simulation-DARKZER0
— Extract
— Play

Posted by Skidrow

How to Install Production Line Car factory simulation

  • It is strongly recommended to disable any security or antivirus program before extracting or installation of the game.
  • Extract the zip file using WinRAR or WinZip or by default Windows command.
  • Open Installer and accept the terms and then install game.
  • If packed file require password its always ipcgames.com
  • if installation is not working or stuck every time please try moving your setup files in simple directory like D:\Games\GameSetupFiles.
  • After installation copy all files from ipcgames.com_fix to game installation directory. (replacing old ones)
  • If you still need help you can always ask for help on our Contact Us page.
  • If you have request for a game to be posted please visit our Request Page.

Production Line Car factory simulation v1.72 PC Game 2019 Overview

Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game that pushes your organisational and entrepreneurship skills to the limit. Can you build the ultimate optimised, free-flowing car production line whilst beating the competition and still turn a profit?
A modern car factory is a near perfect example of efficiency, process-management and flow. A massive army of precision-controlled robots dance to a milimeter-perfect ballet of engineering excellence with perfect timing. Components snake along conveyor belts to a ‘just-in-time†ordering system that leaves no pauses, no delay, no confusion or congestion. Nothing exists but the perfect flowing efficiency of high tech car construction…
In practice, of course, life is not so simple. When you get to grips with your first factory design, it certainly will not feel in a state of pure flow…or profit for that matter. Making a handful of built-to-order cars and breaking even is one thing…but competing with the big multinationals and churning out thousands of cars for the mass market is a whole new ballgame.
To win market share from the big companies you are going to need planning, an appreciation of future technology, a careful eye on your bottom line, and an ability to design a factory layout that makes use of every square meter, and cuts production costs per car to the absolute minimum. Have you got what it takes to win?
Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game from Positech Games, the developers of Democracy & Gratuitous Space Battles, and publishers of Big Pharma. This game is designed to appeal to the efficiency geek in all of us, the person who cannot help but organize things for maximum performance. The closet entrepreneur, the stats-geek, Is that you? if so…welcome to your dream game (we hope!)
The key to understanding production line is the division of labor and the merits of purpose-built machinery. At the start, your factory will be small and the individual slots on your production line will carry out large complex tasks (like fitting the car body). As you research better methods, and earn the funds to expand, you will continue to subdivide those slots into smaller (and faster) production areas which keep the flow of new vehicles flowing smoothly. At the same time, product design researchers will be working out how to enhance your cars with new technologies such as automatic headlights, power steering, bluetooth phone support and voice recognition.
its a race to be productive AND a race to be profitable. Are you ready to compete?

Which Production Line : Car factory simulation shop to choose? What’s the difference between official stores and keyshops?

Price is not the only criteria you should bear in mind when buying pc games through GG.deals.

  • When checking the offers for Production Line : Car factory simulation, make sure that the key is activated through the DRM of your choice. You will find this information on the game card in the form of a launcher icon. For example, if you want to get Production Line : Car factory simulation Steam key and activate it on Steam, pick the shop that has a Steam icon.
  • Choose between official stores and keyshops. Official stores retail the game keys by getting them directly through the game developer or publisher. Keyshops resell the game keys from undisclosed sources. The prices in keyshops are often cheaper than in official shops, but there are certain risks involved and purchasing through unauthorized resellers won’t support the game developers directly.

Evil Genius 2: World Domination

  • Разработчик: Rebellion Developments
  • Год выхода: 2021

Забавная стратегия непрямого контроля, позволяющая создать собственное злодейское логово и планомерно прийти к мировому господству. Для этого нужно будет вести преступную деятельность, прикрывать ее каким-то законным бизнесом и управлять целой армией из послушных приспешников.

Evil Genius 2 может показаться слишком простой, но в этом и есть ее плюс — порог вхождения в игру очень низкий, что позволяет с интересом проводить время и без сотни гайдов по развитию. А еще проект со дня своего релиза доступен в подписке Game Pass, так что опробовать его не составит труда.

Стройте, захватывайте, зарабатывайте! И не забывайте следить за своими расходами. Надеемся, что эта подборка поможет вам с удовольствием провести несколько дней, управляя собственной империей.

Заглавное фото: wired.co.uk

Features of Production Line Car factory simulation

Below are some amazing features you can experience after installation of Production Line Car factory simulation Free Download please keep in mind features may vary and totally depends if your PC support them.

  • Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game from Positech Games, the developers of Democracy & Gratuitous Space Battles, and publishers of Big Pharma.
  • This game is designed to appeal to the efficiency geek in all of us, the person who cannot help but organize things for maximum performance.
  • The key to understanding production line is the division of labor and the merits of purpose-built machinery.
  • At the start, your factory will be small and the individual slots on your production line will carry out large complex tasks (like fitting the car body).
  • As you research better methods, and earn the funds to expand, you will continue to subdivide those slots into smaller (and faster) production areas which keep the flow of new vehicles flowing smoothly.
  • At the same time, product design researchers will be working out how to enhance your cars with new technologies such as automatic headlights, power steering, bluetooth phone support and voice recognition.

Production Line Car Factory Simulation v1 72

The video game scrolls vertically, as you move up the monitor firing foes, discovering really good key shooting factors as well as picking up powerups. As the foe soldiers happen towards you in teams, some treatment is demanded when selecting all of them off, either utilizing your weapon or the grenades. There are also hostages carried by some soldiers, along with aspects incentives for not shooting these however shooting their captors.

Capturing opponents enhances your standing while firing innocent people decreases it. The Pest control operator is generally a duplicate of the arcade game Vermin. A centipede form from the top of the monitor and also gradually moves down it, transforming direction when hitting the numerous obstacles it hits. You handle a small android, which may move up the monitor capturing out the centipede, sufficing briefer each time). You can easily likewise fire the obstacles, which take numerous favorites to get rid of – the fewer obstacles there are, the longer it will take for the vermin to achieve the bottom.

Production Line : Car factory simulation Positech Games (United Kingdom), Positech Games (United Kingdom), 2017 Download it Now !

This title is used by the following domains:

  • Entertainment
  • Education
  • Corporate


The gameplay of this title is Game-based(designed with stated goals)

Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game that pushes your organisational and entrepreneurship skills to the limit. Can you build the ultimate optimised, free-flowing car production line whilst beating the competition and still turn a profit?
A modern car factory is a near perfect example of efficiency, process-management and flow. A massive army of precision-controlled robots dance to a milimeter-perfect ballet of engineering excellence with perfect timing. Components snake along conveyor belts to a ‘just-in-time’ ordering system that leaves no pauses, no delay, no confusion or congestion. Nothing exists but the perfect flowing efficiency of high tech car construction…
…in theory.
In practice, of course, life is not so simple. When you get to grips with your first factory design, it certainly will not feel in a state of pure flow…or profit for that matter. Making a handful of built-to-order cars and breaking even is one thing…but competing with the big multinationals and churning out thousands of cars for the mass market is a whole new ballgame.
To win market share from the big companies you are going to need planning, an appreciation of future technology, a careful eye on your bottom line, and an ability to design a factory layout that makes use of every square meter, and cuts production costs per car to the absolute minimum. Have you got what it takes to win?
Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game from Positech Games, the developers of Democracy & Gratuitous Space Battles, and publishers of Big Pharma. This game is designed to appeal to the efficiency geek in all of us, the person who cannot help but organize things for maximum performance. The closet entrepreneur, the stats-geek, Is that you? if so…welcome to your dream game (we hope!)
The key to understanding production line is the division of labor and the merits of purpose-built machinery. At the start, your factory will be small and the individual slots on your production line will carry out large complex tasks (like fitting the car body). As you research better methods, and earn the funds to expand, you will continue to subdivide those slots into smaller (and faster) production areas which keep the flow of new vehicles flowing smoothly. At the same time, product design researchers will be working out how to enhance your cars with new technologies such as automatic headlights, power steering, bluetooth phone support and voice recognition.
its a race to be productive AND a race to be profitable. Are you ready to compete?
Distribution : Internet — CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)

Framework Requirements of Production Line Car factory simulation v1.72 Free Download

Before you begin Production Line Car factory simulation v1.72 Free Download ensure your PC meets at least these system requirements.

Minimum System Requirements:

For better enjoyment, you need to check the minimum specifications of your PC. Here some minimum system requirements are being listed for your ease.

  • Operating System: Windows 7,8,10
  • Processor: Intel i5 1.6GHZ
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD3000
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Hard Disk Drive: 500 MB available space
  • Sound Card: any

Recommended System Requirements:

For better enjoyment, you need to check the maximum specifications of your PC. Here some maximum system requirements are being listed for your ease.

  • Operating System: Windows 7,8,10
  • Processor: Intel i7
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD4000
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Hard Disk Drive: 2 GB available space
  • Sound Card: any

Features of Production Line Car factory simulation

Below are some amazing features you can experience after installation of Production Line Car factory simulation Free Download please keep in mind features may vary and totally depends if your PC support them.

  • Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game from Positech Games, the developers of Democracy & Gratuitous Space Battles, and publishers of Big Pharma.
  • This game is designed to appeal to the efficiency geek in all of us, the person who cannot help but organize things for maximum performance.
  • The key to understanding production line is the division of labor and the merits of purpose-built machinery.
  • At the start, your factory will be small and the individual slots on your production line will carry out large complex tasks (like fitting the car body).
  • As you research better methods, and earn the funds to expand, you will continue to subdivide those slots into smaller (and faster) production areas which keep the flow of new vehicles flowing smoothly.
  • At the same time, product design researchers will be working out how to enhance your cars with new technologies such as automatic headlights, power steering, bluetooth phone support and voice recognition.

Production Line: Car factory simulation

Main Information:Game name: Production Line: Car factory simulationGanre: PC Games, Simulation, Strategy Developer: Positech Games Release date: 2019 Interface language: EN / GER / Multi9 Voice language: EN / GER / Multi9

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Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game that pushes your organisational and entrepreneurship skills to the limit. Can you build the ultimate optimised, free-flowing car production line whilst beating the competition and still turn a profit? A modern car factory is a near perfect example of efficiency, process-management and flow. A massive army of precision-controlled robots dance to a milimeter-perfect ballet of engineering excellence with perfect timing. Components snake along conveyor belts to a just-in-time ordering system that leaves no pauses, no delay, no confusion or congestion. Nothing exists but the perfect flowing efficiency of high tech car construction… …in theory. In practice, of course, life is not so simple. When you get to grips with your first factory design, it certainly will not feel in a state of pure flow…or profit for that matter. Making a handful of built-to-order cars and breaking even is one thing…but competing with the big multinationals and churning out thousands of cars for the mass market is a whole new ballgame. To win market share from the big companies you are going to need planning, an appreciation of future technology, a careful eye on your bottom line, and an ability to design a factory layout that makes use of every square meter, and cuts production costs per car to the absolute minimum. Have you got what it takes to win? Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game from Positech Games, the developers of Democracy & Gratuitous Space Battles, and publishers of Big Pharma. This game is designed to appeal to the efficiency geek in all of us, the person who cannot help but organize things for maximum performance. The closet entrepreneur, the stats-geek, Is that you? if so…welcome to your dream game (we hope!) The key to understanding production line is the division of labor and the merits of purpose-built machinery. At the start, your factory will be small and the individual slots on your production line will carry out large complex tasks (like fitting the car body). As you research better methods, and earn the funds to expand, you will continue to subdivide those slots into smaller (and faster) production areas which keep the flow of new vehicles flowing smoothly. At the same time, product design researchers will be working out how to enhance your cars with new technologies such as automatic headlights, power steering, bluetooth phone support and voice recognition.

System Requirements:

CPU: intel i5 1.6GHZRAM: 4 GBOS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10Video Card: intel HD3000Free Disk Space: 500 MB

Recommended System Requirements

CPU: intel i7RAM: 4 GBOS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10Video Card: intel HD4000Free Disk Space: 500 MB

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Date Added: 8-10-2023, 02:57
Downloads: Downloaded times
Verified: OptikGames.com users rating ( stars)
Contributer: SERGANT
Provider: OptikGames.com
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