10 лучших игр про лошадей и конный спорт

#21 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Platform: SwitchRelease Date: May 12, 2023

In the past, Link has only needed one horse to go ride around Hyrule, Termina, or the other lands he’s visited. However, in a certain previous title, that was thrown out the window as gamers could roam around the newest version of Hyrule, find a horse they like the most, tame it, and then ride it whenever they wanted.

You’ll be happy to know that Tears of the Kingdom will let you mount up on horses and other creatures once again. So feel free to make yet another stable full of the horses you love so you can easily ride around Hyrule.

Or, you can use the new “Fuse” ability to craft vehicles to get around. The choice is yours.


Jim Noetzel / Shutterstock.com

Cross-country equestrianism is a test of speed, stamina, and jumping ability, making it one of the most thrilling equestrian sports. Originating as a military exercise, it’s now one of the three phases of eventing, often taking place on the second day following dressage, and preceding show jumping.

A cross-country course involves multiple jumps over natural and man-made obstacles such as ditches, water, logs, and stone walls. These courses are usually several kilometers long and require the horse and rider to exhibit not only physical prowess but also a strategic understanding of the course and its challenges.

The objective of cross-country riding is to complete the course with the fastest time while avoiding penalties. Penalties can be accrued for refusals at jumps, falls, or exceeding the optimum time. This phase of eventing is particularly demanding as it tests the partnership between horse and rider, their bravery, and their physical condition.

Horse Polo

Debby Wong / Shutterstock.com

Polo is an equestrian team competition with a rich history that stretches back over two millennia. Initially developed in ancient Persia and later in India as a training activity for cavalry units, it has evolved into a distinguished sport enjoyed by royalty and commoners alike worldwide.

The game pits two teams, each comprising four riders, against each other in a thrilling contest of skill and strategy, where the objective is to score as many goals as possible.

A typical polo match lasts approximately 1.5 to 2 hours and is segmented into 7-minute periods known as “chukkas.” Each chukka represents a frenzied burst of activity, after which players are granted a 4-minute interval for rest and strategy discussion.

At the midway point of the game, there is a more extended 10-minute halftime break. Because of the sport’s high intensity and the physical demands it places on the horses, players at the top level commonly switch horses every few chukkas.

The safety of both players and horses is paramount in polo. To ensure this, umpires closely monitor each match, vigilantly enforcing the rules and regulations of the game. Central to these rules is the principle of the “line of the ball” or the “right of way.” The player who strikes the ball is typically granted the right of way, and other players are prohibited from crossing the ball’s path in front of that player.

The sport of polo is not just about hitting the ball; it also involves strategic blocking and body-checking maneuvers, akin to those seen in hockey. Players can use their mallets to obstruct an opponent’s swing, or perform a “bump” or “ride-off” to displace an opponent from the ball.

This combination of skills – riding, ball control, strategic blocking, and teamwork – makes polo a complex, dynamic, and exhilarating sport.

#14 Shadow of the Colossus Remake

Platform: PS4

Release Date: February 6, 2018

Genre: Action-adventure / Action / Adventure / Puzzle

Shadow of the Colossus has been around since the PlayStation 2 era, and the PlayStation 4 remake offers not only a coat of fresh paint but some improved mechanics as well. In this game, players have a horse companion named Agro who is an incredibly good boy.

Agro is your main mode of transportation, taking players around the game map at incredible speeds. This horse can bolt into action as you battle against giant enemies or dash away to keep yourself safe. There were even some mechanics built into the game allowing Agro to bolt into a full sprint right away or stop on a dime. This horse will be your partner throughout the game and using Agro won’t just be to get from point A to point B. Think of him as a dear friend.

#3 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Platform: Nintendo Switch, Wii U

Release Date: March 3, 2017

Genre: Action-adventure

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild might be the best Zelda game released on the market. It certainly has a massive following and since its launch, its become a must-have for the Nintendo Switch. Being an open-world Zelda game, there is a ton of exploring, and fortunately, Link has a few different means to traverse the world.

While you can ride Epona, that will require an Amiibo to unlock. In this game, there are quite a few different mounts and horses to pick from more easily. There’s even a bear if you’re bold enough to mount the animal. Link just needs to tame an animal in order to use it to traverse the world. Each horse can be a bit different in terms of stats. While these horses can help Link move from one destination to the next, they also can be useful for ramming through enemies.

#12 The Sims 3 Pets

Platform: PC, PS3, OS X, Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS

Release Date: October 18, 2011

Genre: Life simulation game

The Sims is a game franchise that’s been around for decades and with each new mainline installment, there are a plethora of expansions released. For The Sims 3, we have an expansion completely dedicated to pets. With this expansion, not only do you have the ability to have fuzzy critters by your side in your Sims world, but you can control them as well. In fact, this expansion was the first to bring horses to the franchise, giving players the ability to see if they have what it takes to tame a wild steed.

#17 Riding Club Championships

Platform: PC

Release Date: September 28, 2016

Genre: Action, Free to Play, Racing, Sports

If you’re after some competitive horse racing, Riding Club Championships is for you. This is a free-to-play title based around online competitions or solo gameplay. Players will be taking part in a series of challenges from show jumping, barrel racing, pole bending, agility, and jump agility challenges.

As mentioned, this is an online game so you can face off against other players or friends. When not actively competing in a challenge, players can tend to their horses, groom them or simply hang out in a chat room. You can also make your own custom course for other players to compete in along with a voting system to determine who wins.

«Удачное наследство»

Эту игру можно смело назвать одной из про лошадей на компьютер! В отзывах игроки отмечают сюжет с интригой, большое количество разных заданий, интересные персонажи

Немаловажно и то, что у каждого есть возможность почувствовать себя хозяином старинной усадьбы. Огромное удовольствие доставит воспитание лошади, правда, виртуальной

Помощником начинающей наездницы — главной героини игры о лошадях на PC — станет Мария Голубкина. Именно голосом этой известной спортсменки и актрисы говорит персонаж, который будет сопровождать игрока на протяжении игры.

По сюжету, главной героине в наследство достаётся усадьба. Правда, чтобы получить её можно только выполнив одно условие: провести конный турнир! Сделать это непросто — незнакомцы не всегда настроены доброжелательно, а в конюшне главной героини всего одна лошадь. Кроме получения навыков верховой езды, придётся развивать поместье, общаться с местными жителями, выполнять задания, разгадывать самые разные тайны.

#22 Red Dead Redemption

Platform: PS4 Switch – August 17, 2023Release Date: Xbox 360 PS3 – May 18, 2010

PlayStation | Xbox | Nintendo

Who doesn’t love horses? You were never meant to play a game like Red Dead Redemption if you don’t. Why? Because it’s a game about cowboys, outlaws, and, yes, horses. In fact, part of the crux of the game is that you have to travel across the country to hunt down outlaws, and that would take a mighty long time if you had to do that on foot.

So mount up on your horse and go see the sights while battling fugitives and securing your future!

Plus, in the game’s rerelease, you can fight zombies on your horse! We can’t confirm if there are zombie horses to fight, though.

Horse Paradise – My Dream Ranch

Horse Paradise — My Dream Ranch – это простая и милая казуалочка про лошадей с мультяшной графикой , которая не претендует на лавры настоящего спортивного симулятора, зато здесь есть единороги, скачущие по волшебному лесу – и этим все сказано. Наряду с фэнтезийными породами лошадей в игре представлены и вполне реальные, например, фризская лошадь или мустанг.

Соревноваться можно как против ботов, так и против реальных игроков. Во всех соревнованиях лошадки участвуют сами, без наездников. Кроме скачек, здесь можно кормить свою лошадку, ухаживать за ней, украшать ее, исследовать новые территории, выполнять различные задания и играть во встроенные мини-игры. К сожалению, поддержку русского языка в игру пока что не добавили.

#5 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Platform: PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Switch

Release Date: PC, PS3, Xbox 360 – November 11, 2011

PS4, Xbox One – October 28, 2016

Switch – November 17, 2017

Genre: Action role-playing, Open world

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a game that just won’t go away. After being released back in 2011, the title is just as relevant today with new editions available for the newest systems. We probably don’t need to go into detail about what Skyrim is at this point, but it’s worth pointing out that horses were pretty useful in this RPG.

Horses were another means of travel and at one point, that’s all the horses were good for in Skyrim. It wouldn’t be until patch post-launch that players were given the ability to fight while on a horse. There wasn’t much difference between the standard horses you can purchase from a stable, but there were some unique mounts that could only be obtained through certain quests. For instance, Shadowmere is a unique horse that can only be obtained by completing the Dark Brotherhood questline. Not only did it look unique but it had more strength than other horses, making it a bit more useful in combat.

Starters Orders 6 Horse Racing

Starters Orders 6 – последняя на сегодняшний день часть серии симуляторов конного спорта, полюбившейся поклонникам жанра.

Если вы всегда мечтали о том, чтобы ипподром стал вашим вторым домом, эта мечта может сбыться, пусть и в виртуальной реальности. Здесь у вас будут собственные конюшни, а если постараетесь, то и самые лучшие чистокровные породистые лошади, которые будут выигрывать в самых крутых забегах.

Вам предстоит вникать во все тонкости конного спорта. Разобравшись с системой ставок, можно выигрывать немалые деньги, которые пойдут на развитие конюшен, покупку новых лошадей, тренировки и уход за ними. Если вы еще совсем новичок в этом деле, то всплывающие подсказки помогут не растеряться.

#11 Far Cry 6

Platform: PC, PS4, PS5, XBO, X/S

Release Date: October 7, 2021

Genre: FPS, Action-Adventure

Far Cry 6 is the latest installment of the Far Cry franchise. In this game, players take on the role of Dani, a woman seeking to end the horrible regime in her country. The fictional Caribbean island of Yara has been forced to follow the will of El Presidente Anton Castillo, and guerilla fighters have emerged from the citizenry in the hopes of bringing peace to Yara once again. The Far Cry franchise typically features a range of different wildlife to use to your advantage.

For instance, in Far Cry 4, players could ride on an elephant and fire against enemies in their area. In Far Cry 6, you can ride horses and shoot toward enemy targets, and different horses are located within various regions. There’s a horse available at the start of Far Cry 6, but if you venture around, you’ll find horses in regions such as Conuco, Quito, and Venjice.

#2 Red Dead Redemption 2 / RDO

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia

Release Date: PS4, Xbox One – October 26, 2018

PC – November 5, 2019 

Stadia – November 19, 2019

Genre: Action-adventure

Come on, what else could be in the number one spot? We started our list off with the first Red Dead Redemption title and we’re ending it with Red Dead Redemption 2. The sequel adds so much more content for players to enjoy, along with a variety of horses each having different stats.

Using a horse is crucial in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s how your protagonist will travel and the beasts also become useful in combat, whether you’re racing away from the law or lassoing an enemy. You can even take your horse to different stables in order to upgrade some stats, buy gear, or just change up the look of your steed.

Darksiders 2

Platform: PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U, Switch

Release Date: August 14, 2012

Original Version

PC, PS3, Xbox 360 – August 14, 2012

Wii U – November 18, 2012

Deathinitive Edition

PS4, Xbox One – October 27, 2015

PC – November 5, 2015

Switch – September 26, 2019

Genre: Action role-playing, hack and slash

The sequel to Darksiders 2 offers players more hack-and-slash content. This time around the developers took the frustration that players expressed about how long it took to get Ruin in the first game and provided a mount at the start of Darksiders 2. Instead of Ruin, players are given Despair. Much like Ruin, Despair offers players the ability to traverse the world and charge against enemies.

#10 Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut

Platform: PS4, PS5

Release Date: July 17, 2020

Genre: Action-Adventure, Stealth

Ghost of Tsushima was developed under Sucker Punch Productions and released in 2020, but we’d recommend grabbing the Director’s Cut if possible. This grants you the base game along with a new storyline centered around a nearby island. Overall, the game follows a samurai fighting off a Mongol invasion of Japan. Players will fight an uphill battle using the skills of a samurai and learn to use stealth to our protagonist Jin’s advantage.

With the game being open-world, there is a good bit of traveling around. Fortunately, you do get a mount in this game. Right at the start of the game prologue, players will choose one of three horses, although all have the same statistics. From there, you can travel via the horse, fight on horseback, and even unlock a skill that gives the horse a mounted strike. This move offers Jin the ability to jump off the horse and deliver a staggering attack.

#9 Kingdom Come Deliverance

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One

Release Date: February 13, 2018

Genre: Action role-playing

Kingdom Come Deliverance is an action RPG that follows a medieval war in 1403. This immersive open-world title is filled with difficult choices and consequences. Being that this game is set during the medieval era there are plenty of horses featured throughout. Some horses are used to help farmworkers while others get civilians from place to place. Likewise, there are also horses used in battle. In this game, every horse has a strength and weakness so it’s not like a one size fits all situation. You’ll need to find the horse that suits your needs.

You’ll want to ensure that your steed has the necessary equipment available such as head and body armor. Fortunately, you won’t have to watch your faithful companion bite the bullet. Instead, in this game, if your horse finds its HP depleted then just like in real life, it will lay on the ground until its health regenerates. (Okay, maybe it’s not like in real life.)

#20 Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Platform: PC PS4 Xbox One XSX|S PS5Release Date: October 25, 2022

Steam | Playstation | Xbox

Have you ever dreamed of being a medieval knight or lord from times past? Wearing the armor and leading your forces into battle against rivals and foes? In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, you’ll have the chance to live out that dream in spectacular fashion.

Your goal is simple, to build a clan and help that clan rise in status so that it can be seen as one of the best in the realm. But how you do that is up to you. The game gives you numerous options to the point where you’ll want to play the game many times over to see all the paths you can take!

Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch

Эта игра — часть захватывающей серии квестовых игр о Нэнси Дрю. Приключения начинаются на ранчо, где главная героиня намеревается отдохнуть. Всё ранчо оказывается взбудораженным мистическим происшествием — здесь начал появляться призрак лошади! А после появления призрака в окрестностях происходят различные несчастья. Местные жители стали поговаривать, что эта лошадь мстит людям за смерть своего хозяина — когда-то здесь был повешен за преступления гангстер. Пошли и слухи о том, что бандит успел перед смертью спрятать неподалёку от ранчо сокровища.

За расследование принимается Нэнси Дрю. А поможет ей в этом игрок! Ему нужно будет опросить свидетелей, тщательно изучить места происшествий, добыть всю необходимую информацию. В этой игре про лошадей на компьютер игроку придётся не только разгадывать непростую загадку, но и кормить животных, трудиться в огороде и, конечно же, кататься верхом!

Equestrian Vaulting

rtbilder / Shutterstock.com

Vaulting has been described as gymnastics on horseback. It was a popular sport in Roman times evolving into circus bareback riding, trick riding, and more recently, a highly competitive international sport.

The sport involves individuals or groups of up to 3 riders performing movements on a horse whilst they are being lunged on a 15 metre circle in canter. There are 2 rounds – the compulsory routine and the freestyle.

Movements are choreographed to demonstrate beauty, brilliance, power, strength, and elegance, all in harmony with the horse.

All vaulting tests are scored with an overall score out of 10 and judging is based on technique, form, difficulty, balance, security and consideration of the horse. The horse’s way of going makes up 20% of the final score.

#1 Elden Ring

Platform: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S

Release Date: February 25, 2022

Genre: Action RPG

Elden Ring was one of the most anticipated video games scheduled for release in 2022. Fans of FromSoftware couldn’t wait to get their hands on the challenging action RPG. Not only was it another brutal combat-focused title, but its open-world map had players endlessly exploring for hidden treasures and bosses to take down. An aspect that made traversing the world a bit quicker was the added benefit of a mount. Players can travel by horseback, saving a ton of bother. Who doesn’t love a trusty steed?

Bonus Games

#7 Black Desert Online

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Android, iOS

Release Date: PC – March 3, 2016

Xbox One – March 4, 2019

PS4 – August 22, 2019

Steam – May 24, 2017

iOS, Android – December 2019


Black Desert Online is a more popular MMORPG, known for its level of detail and gameplay mechanics. Set in a fantasy world, players will need a horse to get through this game, as no fast travel option exists. Going from place to place requires players to either travel by foot or a better and quicker option, travel by horse. You’ll need to first tame a horse which can be tricky as it will require two particular items: a Capturing Rope and a Lump of Raw Sugar. Since there’s no guaranteed way of capturing a horse to tame, you’ll want a few of these items on standby in case the horse gets away.

From there, it’s a mini-game to obtain your trusty steed. To get some of the more impressive horses, you’ll need to breed mounts which is quite a lengthy endeavor, but well worth it in the end.

#15 Red Dead Redemption

Platform: PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One

Release Date: May 18, 2010

Genre: Action-adventure

Red Dead Redemption was an iconic game for the period. The title threw players into the boots of John Marston as he attempted to track down his old gang and take them out. But we’re not here about the game narrative–we’re here about the horse riding. Developed by Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption had the playstyle of Grand Theft Auto. Just subtract the cars and add more hooves.

Instead of stealing vehicles, you could rob people of their horses. With simple controls, the horses speed is based on how much stamina it has. You can even find yourself riding a wagon being pulled by horses. Unfortunately, the horse mechanics are a bit stiff and there’s not a whole lot to them, but it’s enough to warrant a spot on our list.

#4 The Witcher 3

Platform: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, XSX, Switch

Release Date: PC, PS4, Xbox One – May 19, 2015

Switch – October 15, 2019

PS5, XSX – 2021

Genre: Action role-playing

When you first think back to your faithful steed in The Witcher 3, you might just remember Roach’s AI bugging out. There’s no telling where you would find Roach in this game. However, since the bugs have cleared, Roach is much tamer. Much like other RPG titles on this list, horses in The Witcher 3 are just another means of traversing the world quickly.

By equipping different items to your horse, you’ll find that Roach’s stats will change. Giving him a saddle will allow Roach to gallop longer and adding saddlebags will increase his item storage limit. Combat is possible on horseback, but there is a catch–Roach can get scared and when his fear level becomes too high, the player will get tossed. Fortunately, you can counter this by equipping Horse Blinders.


Ostwind/Windstorm сделана по мотивам знаменитого фильма «Восточный ветер» и включает в себя не только оригинальных персонажей фильма, но и его чарующий саундтрек , что идет на пользу атмосфере. Играть предстоит за Мику, 14-летнюю проблемную девочку, которая смогла приручить дикого жеребца и стать ему настоящим другом.

Чтобы добиться дружбы и расположения Восточного ветра, игроку придется приложить немало усилий, регулярно заботиться о нем, развивать его навыки и исследовать вместе с ним открытый мир игры, параллельно продвигаясь по детально проработанному сюжету. Графика очень хороша, а пейзажи красочны и разнообразны. Все это делает Ostwind/Windstorm идеальной игрой для девочек, которые любят лошадей. Из недостатков проекта можно отметить разве что не всегда удачную анимацию движений лошади и отсутствие русскоязычной версии.

Horse Racing

gabriel12 / Shutterstock.com

Horse Racing is one of the most popular and commercially successful horse sports worldwide. The thrill of speed, combined with the elements of betting and fashion, makes it an appealing spectator sport.

Horse Racing comprises two main types: Flat racing, conducted on a level racecourse without obstacles, and Jump racing (or steeplechasing), where horses race over obstacles.

Thoroughbreds are most commonly used in racing due to their exceptional speed and agility.

This sport requires a strong understanding of a horse’s abilities and strategic use of pace and positioning to outperform other competitors.

Wildlife Park 2 – Horses

Wildlife Park 2 – Horses – это аддон к симулятору зоопарка Wildlife Park 2, который, как нетрудно догадаться, сконцентрирован на лошадях и всем, что с ними связано.

Хотя основной темой игры являются все-таки всевозможные скачки и прочие соревнования между питомцами, но «зоопарковые» корни игры постоянно дают о себе знать – уход, содержание и воспитание лошадей здесь реализованы максимально реалистично (вплоть до размножения лошадок, так что, наверное, не стоит покупать эту игру любимой племяннице-первоклашке).

В целом эта игра скорее про суровых мохноногих тяжеловозов, чем про волшебных единорогов. Правда, нереалистичный вид лошадей в игре все-таки присутствует, но это вымершие Гиракотерии. Так что, если вы хотите побывать в шкуре профессионального коннозаводчика и не рыться при этом в навозе – Wildlife Park 2 – Horses точно для вас. Доступна полностью русифицированная версия игры.

Secret of the Magic Crystals

В Secret of the Magic Crystals вам в полной мере удастся удовлетворить свою потребность в заботе о братьях наших меньших. Лошади здесь требуют постоянного ухода, соблюдения режима активности и отдыха, они могут и заболеть, тогда вам придется приложить все усилия, чтобы вылечить животное. Кроме того, нужно развивать постройки на конеферме.

Но фишка Secret of the Magic Crystals даже не в этом. Да, как и в большинстве подобных игр, животным предстоит тренироваться и участвовать в забегах. Вот только лошади здесь необычные. Они прибыли из фэнтезийного мира, чтобы радовать глаз своей неземной красотой, удивлять скоростью и грацией. Так, вы сможете стать владельцем крылатого пегаса, сказочного единорога, ледяной, пламенной лошади и даже демонического коня.

Игра не потребует от вашего компьютера особой мощности, скачать ее можно в Steam .

«Долина Роз. Секрет Николь или наследство Долины Роз»

Ищете игру о дружбе лошади и девушки? Обратите внимание на эту игру на компьютер про лошадей! Девушка Николь переезжает из города в Долину. В подарок она получает симпатичную лошадку по кличке Секрет

В первую очередь девушке предстоит научиться ухаживать за питомцем, тренировать его, совершать верховые прогулки. Кроме того, Николь должна будет соревноваться с другими наездниками.

Но не всё так просто. Неожиданно Николь оказывается в центре странных событий — в долине начали пропадать лошади! Пытаясь разгадать эту зловещую тайну, Николь познакомится с местными жителями, примет участие в конном турнире, найдёт верный друзей и встретит любовь! Говоря о преимуществах, игроки отмечают большой выбор снаряжения и одежды, неплохую графику и неожиданные повороты сюжета.


tWycherley / Shutterstock.com

Eventing, often known as horse trials, is a triathlon for horses that includes dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. This challenging and intense sport originated from military tests and showcases the versatility and endurance of horses.

The horse must be calm and obedient enough to perform a dressage test, sufficiently athletic to complete a round of show jumping and then fit, fast and bold enough to tackle a cross-country course of between 20 – 30 obstacles over varying terrain.

Competitions are either short or long format. The short format means all three activities take place on one day. In long format, the three tests remain the same but run in a different order and with the addition of roads and tracks and steeple chase.

On day one, riders complete the dressage test. Day two has 3 parts; roads and tracks ridden at a steady trot, then a steeple chase ridden at a fast gallop. Once the horse is cleared by the vet check after the steeple chase, the last part is a timed cross-country course.

Day three decides the overall placings with the show jumping round. This is probably the ultimate test of the horse’s fitness, toughness and training.

My Riding Stables: Life with Horses

Здесь игроку предстоит не просто ухаживать за лошадьми и участвовать в скачках, но и поднимать из руин целую коннозаводческую ферму . Для этого придется искать покупателей для своих заботливо выращенных питомцев, регулярно кормить и чистить лошадей (и даже делать им массаж) и выводить новые породы путем скрещивания доступных.

Все аспекты содержания лошадей проработаны детально и очень реалистично (без должного ухода лошади болеют, а скакать галопом бесконечно нельзя, так как животные устают), так что эта игра не только развлекает, но и дает новые знания. Графика здесь достаточно приличная как для игры, которой достаточно одного гига оперативки, а управление относительно простое как для столь детальной игры. К сожалению, русскоязычной версии пока нет.

Differences between Releases[edit]

Since Facebook and Steam are two different platforms, players will compete against other facebook users on Facebook, and Steam users on Steam. From experience, this leaves Steam users with significantly less competition to challenge.

Steam Achievementsedit

Achievement classification and description
Achievement type Description Number Names Comments
Clear high race Jump a x course clear 1.10m1.20m1.30m1.40m Getting StartedTraining in progressTeamworkHorse whisperer
Clear agility race Ride a clear Agility race Great bond
Ranked matches Win x ranked matches 110501002505001,000 WinnerOn the wayProgressingProfessionalChallengerSerious contenderUnstoppable
Complete race Completed x official courses with no penalties 102550100150250500 Getting the hang of itWell schooledSolid riderExpert riderMaster riderGrandmaster riderOlympian
Jump obstacles Jump x obstacles in a row without any penalties on official courses 102550100150 Talented EquestrianSkillful EquestrianAccomplished EquestrianElite EquestrianGifted Equestrian How it works?
Covered distance Ride the horse over x meters 1,0005,00010,000 Happy hackerSerious riderEndurance rider
Course editor Create and submit a x course Show JumpingAgility Course designerCourse creator
Weekly Showdown Compete in the Weekly Showdown qualifying roundsQualify for the Weekly Showdown Grand FinalFinish in the top x in the Weekly Showdown Grand Final ParticipateQualifyTop 100Top 50Top 103rd2nd1st CompetitiveQualifierExpertOutstandingEliteBronzeSilverGold
Ranking Reach x in Global Rank Top 100Top 50Top 10321 Well ridden!AchieverAmong the bestYou can do itAlmost thereWorld Champion
Log in Log in x days in a row 1050100 Regular riderLoyal riderResident rider
Level up Reach level x 102030405060 NoviceGaining confidenceLearning the ropesPerseveranceTraining pays offPremier training
Collect in paddock Collect x stars in the paddock 10 stars50 stars100 stars Shooting starConstellationGalactical
Collect x presents in the paddock 1050100 What’s in the boxThe surprise insideGifts galore
Horse care Groom your horse Bonding
Item use Use a luck leaf in the paddock Your luck’s in
Treat your horse with x An appleA sugar cubeA golden appleA big apple AppletasticSweet as sugarHappy horseJuicy apple
Shop Treat yourself to new clothes in the shop New look Buy clothes
Treat your horse to new tack in the shop Shopping spree Buy tacks
Friends Win a friends challenge match Friendly rivalry

Darksiders 1

Platform: PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Switch, Wii U

Release Date: January 5, 2010

Original Version

PS3, Xbox 360 – January 5, 2010

PC – September 23, 2010

Warmastered EditionPS4, Xbox One – November 22, 2016

PC – November 29, 2016

Wii U – May 23, 2017

Switch – April 2, 2019

Genre: Hack and Slash, Action-adventure

Darksiders was released back in 2010 as a hack-and-slash action-adventure game. Following a story of Armageddon, players step into the role of War, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. During the game, War obtains Ruin, a Clydesdale that’s shrouded by fire and smoke. Unfortunately, the horse is not obtained at the start of the game, but when you do get control of Ruin, players can use him to traverse the world or as a helpful ally in combat.

#6 Conan Exiles

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One

Release Date: May 8, 2018

Genre: Action-adventure, survival

Conan Exiles is a popular MMO survival game. If you’re familiar with the Conan franchise, you’ll know the world is a harsh one, and being within the Exiled Lands, getting around to find resources and goods quickly is not only a benefit but at times a means of life or death. Your horse really will become your best friend.

Simply popping a saddle onto a horse will transform it into your mount and that saddle determines the stats for your steed. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t influence the horse with XP. In fact, when you have a horse, you’ll see stats rise from riding the mount passively or entering combat. Speaking of combat, horses in this game can be used to race away from danger or as a way to put some useful distance between you and an enemy.

#8 Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Platform: PC

Release Date: March 30, 2020

Genre: Strategy, action role-playing, Simulation

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is still in early access, but this action RPG is filled with an active community of players, receiving incredibly positive reviews following its release in 2020. Horses in this game are considered another means to turn the tide of battle in your favor. Using a mount can help cover a large area quickly while battling against those unfortunate enough not to have a mount. (Can you imagine?) You can ride your horse into a crowd and swing your sword to take enemies out and speed your way to the next destination. Similar to our previous point, Kingdom Come Deliverance, there are a variety of horses with different stats available in this title.


pirita / Shutterstock.com

Often referred to as “dancing with horses,” dressage is like the ballet of the horse world; when done well, it is graceful, elegant, and full of power.

The purpose of dressage is the athletic development of the horse, and it can take over 10 years to develop the horse’s strength, balance and skill to the level required at the top.

At a basic level, the goal is rhythm and relaxation. It can take 10 years to work up through the scales of training to the sport’s top level. Successful training is demonstrated in competition through the performance of tests of prescribed movements, each awarded a score out of 10.

Judges are looking for horses that perform the movements in a calm, supple and flowing manner.

The very best dressage riders make it look like they are not even moving in the saddle while performing intricate and demanding steps such as piaffe or flying changes.

Quick fact: The name dressage comes from the French word for training.

#16 Rival Stars Horse Racing: Desktop Edition

Platform: PC

Release Date: June 25, 2020

Genre: Casual, Racing, Simulation, Sports, Strategy

Rival Stars Horse Racing: Desktop Edition is a lot like our previous entry Riding Club Championships, but this title is all about races. Players will be able to breed the perfect champion horse, customize its characteristics, and upgrade its gear. From there, you’ll race your horse at your leisure or online against other players and friends. You can even display the trophies your horse has won. As you start to breed more racehorses you can hire caretakers to tend to the foals while you focus on winning the next big race.

«Приключение на ранчо»

Кому подойдёт эта захватывающая игра на компьютер про Барби и лошадь? Девочкам, которые без ума от красавицы Барби и таинственных приключений! Нужно будет не только примерить на себя роль известной куклы-непоседы, но и стать участницей лошадиных бегов. В самом начале игры вам предстоит выбрать друга и придать ему тот внешний вид, который вам нравится. Следующий этап — подготовка к скачкам! Но прежде чем принять участие в соревнованиях, нужно будет найти любимого питомца Лаки. Поиски будет непростыми — игроку придётся преодолеть леса, пещеры, прерии и пустыни! В процессе игры нужно будет отыскать улики и доказательства.

Как только прекрасная непоседа найдёт свою лошадь Лаки, нужно будет научить её различным трюкам, например, повышать высоту её прыжка, регулярно тренировать и кормить её и т. п.

Наверняка каждому, кому хоть раз в жизни довелось прокатиться на лошади, хотелось повторить это снова, а то и вовсе заняться конным спортом или разведением лошадей. К сожалению, реальность сурова, не все могут стать теми, кем мечтали. И здесь на помощь приходят игры, в которых вы можете быть, кем захотите – умелым жокеем, владельцем стойл с породистыми лошадьми, выигрывающими все забеги, или просто заботливым хозяином лошадки.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: