
Overwatch: ana abilities and strategy tips

Ana Abilities And Role Explained

During her extensive time in the field, Ana has picked up several tricks that make her one of the more unique Overwatch support heroes to play.

She functions as a sniper character with long-range projectiles and debuffs in the form of a healing/anti-healing grenade and her signature sleep darts which can stop an enemy mid-attack.

While Ana is one of the more capable supports in terms of dealing damage, she requires certain conditions to be met and a thorough understanding of her kit to truly thrive on the battlefield.

How To Use Biotic Rifle


Ana’s primary weapon is her Biotic Rifle, which has been modified to both damage enemies and heal allies depending on who Ana targets during battle.

This weapon can hold 12 rounds per clip and deal either 70 damage or 70 healing with every shot fired.

Ana can fire her Biotic Rifle from the hip, or zoom in using her scope to get a better read on her target at the cost of reduced movement speed.

An important thing to note about Ana is that although she is a sniper character, she does not benefit from landing headshots so just focus on hitting your target.

How To Use Sleep Dart

We can already see how different Ana’s playstyle is compared to traditional snipers and even other sniper heroes in Overwatch like Widowmaker or Hanzo.

While her kit mainly revolves around healing, she can also use Sleep Dart to quickly turn the tide of battles by interrupting her target and forcing them to take a quick cat nap.

When an enemy is hit by Sleep Dart, they’ll take 5 damage and lay unconscious on the ground for up to 5.5 seconds followed by a 12-second cooldown before the ability can be used again.

Remember that sleeping enemies will wake up early if Ana or any of her teammates damage them during its effects, so try and get in the habit of announcing who you’re going to sleep.

How To Use Biotic Grenade

Rounding out Ana’s kit is her Biotic Grenade, which functions as a powerful AoE attack dealing 60 damage to enemies and 100 healing to allies and Ana herself.

It also has a secondary effect that provides Ana and her allies with a 50% healing boost that also prevents enemies from being healed for a total of 4 seconds.

While the Biotic Grenade’s 4m splash radius is rather generous, you want to be careful when you’re using it since the 10-second cooldown will leave Ana relatively defenseless.

With that said, it’s easily one of the best tools in the game due to its anti-healing effect on the enemy team and often acts as the catalyst for big plays during matches.

How To Use Nano Boost (Ultimate)

Finishing things off, Ana also has one of the more interesting Ultimates the game in the form of Nano Boost, a hitscan projectile that heals a targeted ally for 250 healing as well as provide them with two buffs.

The first is a 50% boost to their damage and the second is a 50% reduction in damage taken for up to 8 seconds, though its effects will instantly be removed if the Nano-Boosted hero is killed.

Ana can select an ally to target within a generous maximum range of 40m, allowing flanking teammates to secure kills and build momentum.

The biggest challenge with Nano Boost is determining the right hero and time to use it; generally, you’ll want to save it for tanks and DPS heroes who are about to flank or use their Ultimate.

Ana Weaknesses

Considering she’s primarily a sniper, Ana’s playstyle is inherently more advanced compared to other supports, demanding a level of high accuracy and precision that some players simply don’t have.

Additionally, close encounters are not ideal for Ana, especially when Biotic Grenade is on cooldown since the rest of her abilities are most effective at long-range.

Lastly, she and her team will fall apart quickly if she’s not consistently healing and instead focusing on damage, especially since Ana is easily outmatched by other snipers and most DPS heroes.

Which Heroes Does Ana Struggle Against?

  • Genji – High mobility makes it tough for Ana to deal with Genji alone.
  • Reaper – Can outpace Ana’s damage at close range.
  • D.Va – Will get in Ana’s face and prevent her from focusing on heals.
  • Winston – Can easily trap Ana by slipping into the team’s backline.
  • Tracer – Another high mobility hero who can outpace Ana’s more long-range-centric playstyle.
  • Pharah – Can distract Ana from the main fight and bait her into using her Sleep Dart.
  • Widowmaker – Can out-damage Ana at long-range battles.
  • Hanzo – Similar to Widowmaker, Hanzo will out-damage Ana in most long-range duels.

Ana Strategy Tips

Ana is both a challenging and greatly rewarding hero to play. She’s challenging because she requires constant map awareness and good team coordination if she is to succeed. She’s rewarding because she has the potential to save multiple allies with her Biotic Rifle and grenade, while her Nano Boost can create game-changing plays.

When playing Ana ensure your primary goal is healing your team. Only shoot the enemy when you have an opportunity to make an impact. There’s no point tunnel visioning onto an engagement or a particular enemy if you’re not keeping your team alive. Of course, if you happen to see an enemy Pharah flying in the air feel free to use your Biotic Rifle to fire a few shots her way, or if you see a bunch of enemies clustered together throw your Biotic Grenade to give your allies chance to capitalise off their inability to heal.

The majority of the time you’ll want to be healing your team, but to do this you will need to have excellent positioning. Ana’s not as easy as Mercy in this respect, as she can’t simply fly to her target. Instead the supportive sniper needs to be in the very heart of the engagement, but just out of reach of enemy damage dealers. It’s a constant game of cat and mouse as you want to be in a position where you can heal multiple teammates, while also being in range to make plays and keep yourself alive.

Ana also must be in constant communication with her allies to get the most out of her abilities. Sleep Dart is an excellent example of how good team coordination can greatly mitigate various ultimate abilities like Genji’s Dragonblade or Soldier: 76’s Tactical Visor. However, any amount of damage is enough to rouse a target from their slumber so tell your allies who you’re going to target beforehand. Sleep Dart is also a great way to stop an enemy flanker dead in their tracks or reduce the amount of harass from an enemy tank. Just be sure to land it, otherwise you could end up in a lot of trouble.

Finally, Ana’s Ultimate ability, Nano Boost is utterly game-changing. Try to prioritise heroes like Reaper, Winston, Genji and Reinhardt who greatly benefit from the increased damage, movement speed, and immunity. Nano Boost can give an ally the confidence to engage a teamfight and sweep an entire team. Dropping this ultimate in the final seconds of a match can greatly impact the outcome of the battle.

Step back up to our complete Overwatch character guide. Or find out how to counter heroes with our Overwatch counter guide.

Ability: Biotic Grenade

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment )

Description: A grenade that heals and increases healing on allies while damaging and preventing healing on enemies. 

Like the Sleep Dart, this grenade can be a lifesaver for both yourself and your team. In Overwatch 2, Ana is still a consistent healer, although she can sometimes struggle to restore the health of her allies quickly. In this case, it’s best to whip out your Biotic Grenade as it will dramatically speed up the process and will affect everyone in a four-meter radius. 

It is also an excellent way to help your team deal with damage. If you get a big hit on the enemy team, your allies will get four seconds to swoop in and finish the job, as the enemy healers won’t be able to heal their team at all. 

Some tips and tricks to note about this ability:

  • This ability pairs excellently with the Sleep Dart, especially on tanks. If you look to sleep a Roadhog and then use your Biotic Grenade, your team will be able to take him out in seconds.  
  • If you’re being attacked by a frustrating DPS hero who is too fast for your scope, like Genji or Tracer, then letting them get close and throwing the grenade on the floor will not only heal you but will hurt them and could well scare them off.  


Item Information
Real Name Aleksandra Zaryanova
Age 28
Nationality Russian
Occupation Soldier
Affiliation Russian Defense Forces
Main Weapon Particle Cannon
Ultimate Ability Graviton Surge
Abilities Particle Barrier, Projected Barrier

A large and muscular woman. Zarya has short pink hair. Her arms can be seen having scars and tattoos. Zarya fills the role of a tank. She carries a giant cannon that shoots a beam up to a medium range. Her canon can also launch grenades.

Zarya can create barriers around herself to tank more damage. She can also create barriers around her allies. Her ultimate is a tide changer when it comes to team fights; she fires a gravity orb that swallows all enemies caught in its radius.


With Zarya, the challenge of playing a Tank is greatly rewarded when played correctly. Through her barrier abilities, she can absorb damage and increase her own Energy levels exponentially. When at maximum Energy, she becomes an unstoppable force that rivals any other hero in Overwatch with her Particle Cannon. Even more impressive is her Ultimate ability which allows you to ensnare enemies and give your allies time to decimate them with well-coordinated attacks.


Item Information
Real Name Olivia Colomar
Age 30
Nationality Mexican
Occupation Hacker
Affiliation Talon
Main Weapon Machine Pistol
Ultimate Ability EMP
Abilities Thermoptic Camo, Translocator

A Mexican hacker that teamed up with Reaper. Sombra has purple eyes and stylish black hair with purple lines. She has a fancy purple dress and special gloves. Her primary weapon is a short automated gun.

Sombra can teleport from one spot to another using one of her devices. She can also become invisible and stealthy. Sombra can also locate enemies with low health. Her unique ability is shutting down enemy barriers and disabling them from using abilities.


Sombra is an incredibly formidable infiltrator with her mustering of stealth and debilitating attacks. Her hacking capabilities can disturb the enemy’s plans, leaving them more susceptible to defeat while her EMP affords a strategic advantage against multiple adversaries at once. Plus, Sombra’s ability to Translocate and disguise herself makes it nearly impossible for opponents to catch up with her. To really boost your chances of success in battle, utilize Opportunist & Hack – both great abilities that make Sombra truly unstoppable!


Мэй — героиня в игре Overwatch, которая обладает уникальными способностями и играет важную роль в командном шутере. Её полное имя — Мэй-Линь Чжоу, она родом из провинции Цзянсу, Китай.

В игре Мэй является защитной героиней, её способности направлены на замедление и замораживание противников. Она использует ледяную пушку, чтобы выстреливать замораживающими лучами и создавать ледяные стены для блокирования пуль и пути противников. Также Мэй может создавать убежище в виде блока льда, чтобы выжить в критических ситуациях.

Кроме своих способностей, Мэй является одной из самых популярных героинь в игре благодаря своей привлекательной внешности и милому характеру. Она также известна своей злорадной фразой «С наступающим! Все в лёд!» при использовании своей способности «Зимняя буря».

Также Мэй имеет свою собственную комикс-историю, которая рассказывает о её поездке на Антарктику и встрече с другими учеными. Эта история также раскрывает её душевные терзания и прошлое.


Item Information
Real Name Hana Song
Alias D.Va
Age 19
Nationality South Korean
Occupation Professional gamer, MEKA pilot
Main Weapon Fusion Cannons
Ultimate Ability Self-Destruct
Abilities Defense Matrix, Boosters

Although D.Va is just a young 19-year-old professional gamer, she fills the role of a tank using a big pink mecha suit. D.Va has long brown hair, dark brown eyes, and pink marks on her cheeks, similar to those of Naruto.

D.Va’s mech can shoot short-ranged bullets, deflect projectiles when the ability activates, fly in the air, and initiate self-destruct. While D.Va is outside the mecha, she has an automatic light gun.


D.Va is an extraordinary tank with a bit of mobility that few others possess. Her massive health pool and Boosters make it easy for her to close any distance between enemies in the blink of an eye, making it possible for her to be victorious against single opponents due to her powerful damage output at short range. Additionally, D.Va’s Defense Matrix shields both herself and allies from incoming projectiles while Micro Missiles cause immense destruction when used up-close – making D. Va one of the most feared flanking tanks around! To top this off, she has the capability to wipe out all nearby foes with Self-Destruct should they get too close or remain on their toes!

Overwatch 2 Characters List – Support Heroes


Ana is one of the greatest snipers from the Overwatch Heroes team. With her family coming from a military background, you can ensure Ana takes out her enemies so as to protect her family as well as the nation.


Cairo, Egypt


Biotic Rifle, Sleep Dart, Biotic Grenade, nano Boost


Baptista who earlier was a part of the Talon was given a fake promise of riches. After realizing the mistake, he leaves Talon and is now with Overwatch to make the world a much better place and save people from being lured into the wrong.


Tortuga, Haiti, Watchpoint: Gibraltar


Biotic Launcher, Regenerative Burst, Immortality Field, Amplification Matrix, Exo Boots


Bridgette is an engineer who was inspired by the various tales of valor during her childhood. She is the godchild of the Overwatch hero, Reinhardt. Her goal is to undo the wrongdoings of the world.


Gothenburg, Sweden, Watchpoint: Gibraltar


Rocket Flail, Repair Pack, Whip Shot, barrier Shield, Shield bash, Rally, Inspire


Illari is the newest hero in Overwatch. A strong trainer who later became part of the Inti warriors and a terrible accident that ended a number of warriors, she now fights for the Overwatch to make up for the terrible loss of warriors.


Runasapi, Peru


Solar Rifle, Captive Sun, Healing Pylon, Outburst


Kiriko, a learner of Ninjutsu had a rough childhood. After moving to her grandmother’s palace, she begins to learn the art of healing. She is now a part of Overwatch so that she can bring freedom to her community from the evil grips.


Kanezaka, Japan


Healing Ofuda, Kunai, Swift Step, Protection Suzu, Kitsune Rush


Lifeweaver, an Overwatch hero is not only an artist but also an activist and an inventor. He has created a new life form that helps to heal wounds and even cure various illnesses. His main job is to ensure everyone stays safe- living up to his role as a support hero.


Atlantic Arcology


Healing Blossom, Thorn Volley, Petal Platform, Rejuvenating Dash, Life Grip, Tree of Life


Lucio was an underground DJ before becoming a member of Overwatch. Armed with his father’s sonic technology, Lucio is able to bring social change to the people in his city with the help of his music.


Rio De Janeiro, Brazil


Sonic Amplifier, Crossfade, Amp It Up, Soundwave, Sound Barrier, Wall Ride


A survivor of the Omnic Crisis, Mercy is one of the most reliable combat medics for the Overwatch team. She is an advocate for peace and will ensure there is always peace at all times.


Zurich, Switzerland, Watchpoint: Gibraltar


Caduceus Staff, Cadeuceus Blaster, guardian Angel, Resurrect, Angelic Descent, Valkyrie


A brilliant scientist who has made many breakthroughs. She is ruthless in her pursuit of knowledge, and her alliances with Oasis and Talon have freed her from moral and monetary constraints.


Oasis, Iraq


Biotic Grasp, Biotic Orb, Fade, Coalescence


Zenyatta is an omnic monk who fights for peace and justice. He is a powerful ally, but his enemies should beware.


Shambali Monastry, Nepal


Orb of Destruction, Orb of Discord, orb of Harmony, Transcendence, Snap Kick

Closing Thoughts

This concludes the list of the different characters in Overwatch 2 that have been listed according to their main roles. While there are 35+ characters as of now, we can expect more characters to be revealed for Overwatch 2 in the coming months or as long as the developers keep the game alive with content updates.

Explore More:

  • How Big Is Overwatch 2 on PC and Other Consoles?
  • How to Download Overwatch 2 Beta on PC and Console
  • 290+ Overwatch Wallpaper to Download for Phone & Computer
  • How to Play Xbox Games on Logitech G Cloud
  • How to Stream Your Xbox Games Directly to Discord
  • Best Overwatch 2 Controller Settings for Improved Gameplay
  • How To Merge Overwatch Accounts On PC and Console

Topics Covered – Overwatch 2 Heroes List, Overwatch 2 Characters List, Overwatch 2 New Characters, Overwatch 2 Male Characters, Overwatch 2 Female Characters, Overwatch 2 DPS Character.


Дива – это киберспортсменка по имени Хана Сонг, являющаяся одним из персонажей в игре Overwatch. Она родилась и выросла в южнокорейском городе Бусан и стала первой талантливой геймершей, которая принесла славу своей стране в мире киберспорта.

Характерной особенностью Дивы является то, что она использует в бою свою личную механическую машину под названием «Меха». Она также владеет дронами, способными проводить разведку и стрелять по вражеским целям.

Дива отличается повышенной мобильностью благодаря своему Меху, который позволяет ей быстро перемещаться по полю боя и атаковать врагов из разных углов. Кроме того, она может использовать свой Мех в качестве щита, защищая своих союзников от вражеских атак.

  • Имя: Хана Сонг
  • Родина: Бусан, Южная Корея
  • Роль: Киберспортсменка
  • Оружие: «Лёгкий бластер»
  • Особенности: Личный механический «Мех», дроны для разведки и атаки

Дива – это амбициозная и сильная женщина, которая не остановится перед ничем, чтобы достичь своих целей. В игре Overwatch она часто используется в качестве защитницы, благодаря своим уникальным возможностям и высокой мобильности.


Just when you thought that the Captain Amari skin was the only skin where Ana is a young lass BOOM, Blizzard dropped the Sniper skin. And who knew that Ana didn’t have long flowing hair her entire adult life. “More tears.”

What’s Awesome About Sniper:

  • Sniper is also canon skin. It gives us a glimpse at what Ana was doing/looked like when she was in the Egyptian Military before joining Overwatch. 
  • Once again another skin that can camouflage with half of the maps in Overwatch. 
  • This skin makes Ana look super professional and even more athletic than her “Captain Amari” skin. 

(This skin is only available during the Archive Event)

See Sniper in action:


Ever had that fantasy of wondering what Ana would have looked like if she was put into the insane game of “Borderlands”?  Well with the “Wasteland” skin you can live out that very fantasy while you Biotic Grenade a nearly dead Mercy or Sleep Dart a Reaper Mid ult.

What’s Awesome About Wasteland:

  • Well, first off it looks absolutely hard-core and makes Ana look like she went to Australia a few too many times in the Overwatch universe.  
  • She has needles coming out of her everywhere which makes this grandma of a charter more threatening than she was already. 
  • Also, a skin that can camouflage you on practically every map.

(This skin is available all year round)

See Wasteland in action:

Ultimate: Nano Boost

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment )

Description: Increases an ally’s damage while reducing damage taken. 

Nano Boost is a surprisingly offensive ultimate for the old sniper, but it goes to show you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. This ultimate helps any hero to up their offense and will make your average ultimate go from scary to deadly. 

It doesn’t only up the damage of the target but will also reduce their damage taken by 50% while giving them more health in the process. Therefore, while you usually want to Nano the hero with the best ultimates, like Genji, Reinhart, or Reaper, you can also use a Nano to save a hero who is near death. 

Some tips and tricks to note about this ability:

  • Nano boost needs coordination. Tell your team when you have it and who you will give it to for the best effects.  
  • In the Deathmatch mode, Ana can use this ultimate on herself. 
  • Be aware that if you Nano is a hero who can change form, like D.Va or Echo, the Nano will disappear as soon as they shift.  

Overwatch 2 Ana: gameplay breakdown

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment )

Like in the original, in Overwatch 2, Ana is an adept sniper; you can keep some distance between herself and everyone else, choosing to stay away from the main brawls and instead heal and damage from afar. Even when a frustrated DPS eventually tries to track you down, thanks to her Sleep Dart and Biotic Grenade abilities, she can effectively protect herself from most oncoming attacks. That is, as long as your aim is good enough. 

But in Overwatch 2, Ana’s role isn’t to go one-on-one with DPS. In reality, the best way she can support her team is by doing a steady and consistent amount of healing and damage, with the occasional Biotic Grenade thrown in for good measure. 

3. Snow Owl

Now onto the next awesome skin which happens to be Ana’s “Snow Owl” Skin. And much to my dismay, I must inform you that the braid is… no longer free. “Tears.”

What’s Awesome about Snow Owl: 

  • You can now do owl jokes/pun into the mic to annoy the crud out of your teammates. 
  • In all honesty, the skin is very unique and with the colors they used and the placement of the feathers/furs it came out to be really pretty. 
  • Though the skin is pretty, the robotic owl eyes that stare deep into your soul are a bit creepy. Which gives the enemy another reason to be scared of you as you contemplate whether or not to Nano the Reinhardt to wipe them off the face of the planet. 

(This skin is only available during the Winter Wonderland Event) 

See Snow Owl in action:

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: